Pies 'n' Thighs
Pies 'n' Thighs Pies 'n' Thighs Pies 'n' Thighs Pies 'n' Thighs Pies 'n' Thighs Pies 'n' Thighs

Pies 'n' Thighs - Restaurant de cuisine américaine avec poulet frit et tartes

Pies 'n' Thighs est un restaurant de cuisine américaine situé à Brooklyn. Depuis 2006, ils proposent des plats de soul food du Sud des États-Unis, mettant en avant leur délicieux poulet frit et leurs tartes maison. Que vous soyez amateur de brunch ou de plats réconfortants, Pies 'n' Thighs saura vous combler. Leur poulet frit est croustillant à souhait et leurs tartes, notamment la fameuse Bourbon Pecan Pie, sont à tomber par terre. Venez découvrir ce restaurant incontournable de Brooklyn et laissez-vous séduire par la cuisine américaine authentique et savoureuse.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #American #Food #Fried chicken #Breakfast
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Cinnamon roll Fried chicken sandwich "


"Couch girl Soul food Cinnamon roll"


"Livre : On se casse Tartes"


"Du poulet frit (bien junk food) et des parts de tartes énormes. Régressif"


"Went with Hannah and Alan, God bless their chicken and waffles"


"c'est pas vraiment un diner mais c'est cuisine américaine du sud. Et franchement très bon."


"Fried Chicken 🍗 and Waffle’s 🧇 "


"Fried chicken Southern food"


"Pecan pie trop bonne miamiam 🥧"


"Diners, Drive ins & Dives favorites "


"fried chicken and the best cinnamon rolls you'll ever eat"


"Chicken biscuit and Mac and cheese"


"Pies ’n Thighs opened in 2006, in the shadow of the Williamsburg Bridge. We took over a beer storage closet in the and transformed it into a tiny kitchen with six stools, serving huge donuts, two-napkin smoked pork sandwiches and salty, crispy fried chicken. The New York Times called the pies and the thighs “…a compelling combination, well executed and put forth with real heart—the sort of restaurant that’s hard to find, especially in the big city, but easy to love once found.” Owners Sarah Sanneh and Carolyn Bane met as cooks at Diner, a nearby Brooklyn stalwart that has been the parent restaurant of many local favorites. In 2010, Sarah and Carolyn opened a larger location on a sunny corner (still by the bridge!), which has become a beloved neighborhood spot and a destination for travelers from well beyond its Brooklyn home. Our 15th anniversary was celebrated across the country with former employees and dear colleagues who have gone on to open Konbi in Los Angeles, Tandem Bakery in Portland, ME, Han Oak in Portland, OR, Dough Mama in Columbus, OH, and as far as Mexico City at Cicatriz. We have been awarded Best Apple Pie and Best Fried Chicken in national surveys by Food & Wine and Bon Appétit, Best Donut in New York by New York Magazine, and Best Biscuits in New York by the New York Daily News. Whether it's an occasional fix of banana cream pie, or inhaling a chicken box once a week, we believe that comfort food speaks to everyone. After 15 years and counting, we are deeply grateful for the support of our customers and community. It is still a thrill to be part of the fabric of New York, one biscuit at a time."


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.256"


"AMAZING essentially chicken and waffles place, wonderfully delicious comfort food, come STARVING"


"One of the OG fried chicken places in the city. Still pretty reliable after all these years. "


"Multiple locations// Chinatown // chicken biscuit // butter pecan crunch donut"


"Se non sbaglio ce n’è più di uno in giro per New York. Cibo molto americano. Locali Cozy ma easy. Cibo non male. Porzioni enormi"


"Apple pie et pecan pie gooood"


"Southern style small restaurant "


"amazing biscuits, everything else is ok. Decent fried chicken"


"cuisine ménagère, réconfortante et gourmande. viandes braisées à tomber ! autres spécialités : les pies"


"Fried chicken & Pies (southern food)"


"Resto super sympa avec bouffe typique américaine, serveurs super sympas "


"Chicken is reportedly so-so (under seasoned), but biscuits are reportedly next level and the donuts are supposed to be good "


"Chicken pies, American tradition and a lot to eat !"


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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