Gramercy Tavern
Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern Gramercy Tavern

Gramercy Tavern : Restaurant américain à New York

Le Gramercy Tavern est un restaurant américain incontournable de New York. Situé dans un cadre rustique et chic, il propose une cuisine de qualité avec des produits locaux et de saison. Le menu est varié, avec des plats recommandés par les critiques culinaires, notamment le fameux burger à la viande locale et de saison. Le restaurant dispose également d'un bar avec une carte de bières et de vins variée. Le Gramercy Tavern est idéal pour un dîner en amoureux ou entre amis. Vous pouvez également profiter de la terrasse pour un verre en soirée. Réservez votre table dès maintenant pour découvrir l'un des meilleurs restaurants américains de New York.

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#Restaurant #American #Burger #Ristorante #Dinner
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"looks cute to sit outside for lunch "


"Frida y va Très cher pas ça a l’air très bon "


"- Recommendation from Matt"


"OVD 👌🏼best burger, great beers"


"Rated best hot chocolate - not available to go. "


"Reco peirano. Reservar abans"


"caro, elegante, comida original"


"oGRAMERCY TAVERN MoDERN AMERICAN $$$ Cartina p454 (%212-477-0777; www.gramercyta; 42 E 20th St, tra Broadway e Park Ave S, Flatiron District; portate principali nella taverna $2936, menu da 3 portate nella sala da pranzo $125, menu degustazione $149-179; htaverna 11.30-23 dom-gio, 11.30-24 ven e sab, sala da pranzo 11.30-14 e 17.30-21.45 dom-gio, 17.30-22.30 ven e sab; Wv; bR/W, 6 fermata 23rd St) S Sono gli ingredienti locali e di stagione il punto di forza di questo classico ristorante country chic dalla fama duratura, con candelabri in rame, murales e suggestive composizioni floreali. Potete scegliere tra due sale: la taverna (rigorosamente senza prenotazione e con menu à la carte) o la sala da pranzo più sofisticata, con il menu a prezzo fisso e quelli da degustazione. Le specialità della taverna comprendono uno squisito polpettone d’anatra con funghi, castagne e cavolini di Bruxelles"


"Un des meilleurs Burgers de N-Y"


"Incontournable Un espace fancy & un espace tradi Produits locaux & de saison"


"On va déguster pour le hamburger "


"Restaurant préféré de Blair (la farce aux huîtres)"


"source : on va déguster mais 32€ le Burger!"


"Meilleur burger de New York. A tester. Reco Francois-Regis Gaudry"


"Reco côté bistrot par FRG "


"Lunch 3 courses - 72 Dinner 5 courses - 168 Wine pairing - 125"


"Expensive and fixed-price-only menu "


"Taverna senza prenotazione e con menu à la carte"


"nice restaurant - famous for the burger. It was good but not amazing - no lettuce & tomato want to go back and try the ricotta pasta "


"Si puó scegliere tra due sale: la taverna (senza prenotazione e con menu à la carte) o la sala da pranzo più sofisticata, con il menu a prezzo fisso e i menu degustazione."


"Michelin star restaurant! Had the burger with ben! Insanely good, boujee as could be but so so nice inside. We had great drinks and oysters too"


"iconic. one of the best burgers "


"1 Michelin star 2024 This fabled NY icon is high on most people's roll call. It's one of those places that manages the rare trick of being so confident in its abilities and can be all things to all diners. You'll probably leave happy whether you're here on a date, to impress the in-laws or seal a deal. The "Tavern" side is a prized spot for lunch, especially if you can sit at the bar. It doesn't take reservations so get here early. The "Dining Room" though is for those who like a little more pomp with their pappardelle and truly comes to life at night. Service is attentive throughout. Focused on impeccable products, the seasonal and creative American cuisine is a perfect match for the woody surrounds. It's also sure of its footing and unthreatening in its vocabulary."


"Meilleur burger de New York ? "


"Fine dining $168pp for fixed menu. Chef Marc anthony"


""This fabled NY icon is high on most people's roll call. It's one of those places that manage the rare trick of being so confident in its abilities and can be all things to all diners. You’ll probably leave happy whether you’re here on a date, to impress the in-laws, or seal a deal. The “Tavern” side is a prized spot for lunch, especially if you can sit at the bar. It doesn't take reservations so get here early. The “Dining Room” though is for those who like a little more pomp with their pappardelle and truly comes to life at night. Service is attentive throughout. Focused on impeccable products, the seasonal and creative American cuisine is a perfect match for the woody surrounds. It's also sure of its footing and unthreatening in its vocabulary. ONE STAR." mentioned in the Wallpaper guide; "tasting menus are increasingly prevalent — bow to the chefs' ingenuity as [these restaurants]""


""This fabled NY icon is high on most people's roll call. It's one of those places that manage the rare trick of being so confident in its abilities and can be all things to all diners. You’ll probably leave happy whether you’re here on a date, to impress the in-laws, or seal a deal. The “Tavern” side is a prized spot for lunch, especially if you can sit at the bar. It doesn't take reservations so get here early. The “Dining Room” though is for those who like a little more pomp with their pappardelle and truly comes to life at night. Service is attentive throughout. Focused on impeccable products, the seasonal and creative American cuisine is a perfect match for the woody surrounds. It's also sure of its footing and unthreatening in its vocabulary. ONE STAR." mentioned in the Wallpaper guide; "tasting menus are increasingly prevalent — bow to the chefs' ingenuity as [these restaurants]""


"Tavern New yorkaise Deux espaces, un fancy et l’autre plus tradi, pour déguster une cuisine de haute volée, portée par des produits locaux et de saison."


"Blair’s favorite restaurant. Tavern burger affordable "


"Produits locaux et de saison, burger à tester"


"Un des meilleurs burger de NYC"


"Fully recommended. Petit budget mais à tester absolument "


" #11 Burger"


"Michelin star level, classic food very well executed."


"Michelin star SO FREAKING GOOD "


"This burger was unreal. Honestly everything on the menu was unreal. Clam flatbread, homemade foccacia, halibut,"


"cucina americana - pz Lori"

"There are two different ways to experience Gramercy Tavern. In the back, there’s the upscale dining room, where you can book a table and eat a tasting menu for $165. If you want a special-occasion spot that feels less like a museum and more like someone’s very nice home in Aspen, that’s where you should sit. But we prefer the walk-in-only tavern area up front where you can eat some excellent brick jerk chicken or a top-notch burger. If you need a last-minute spot to impress some people, stop by and put your name in for a table or get a few seats at the bar."


"What is it? An NYC classic you can dress up or down(ish). Why we love it? Big night out atmosphere crackles in the dining room in the back and the tavern space up front, with a bar that that feels like the place to be. The dining room’s $165 five-course tasting, which presently includes marinated fluke, swordfish and a roasted duck breast, is splendid for a splurge, or you can order à la carte in the (also lovely) tavern section, where every main is $38 or less.  "


"Danny Meyers classic with a fun ambiance & bar "


"Honestly it’s good but not blowing me away"


"The Tavern option plus abordable "


"James Beard outstanding pastry chef Miro Uskokovic; tasting menu in the “Dining Room”"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.152"


"2/4/22. Prix fix menu. Veg menu options were terrible. Flavorless. Not very original. Very expensive wine list. Would not recommend. "


"Crazy good but very expensive. That’s why you go with parents lol. Also amazing drinks."


"Blair from GG favorite spot; cute date night vibes?"


"Expensive BUT unbeatable food. The tavern is the more accessible side and there’s a fine dining restaurant in the back "


"Uno dei ristoranti più esclusivi di New York"


"Favorite restaurant of our dear QueenB"


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