Baby's All Right
Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right Baby's All Right

Baby's All Right - Bar, Restaurant, Musique Live

Baby's All Right est un bar, restaurant et club de musique live situé dans le quartier animé de Williamsburg. Cet établissement est devenu en quelques années une institution musicale locale, proposant une programmation dynamique d'artistes musicaux et de DJs au goût du jour, allant de l'expérimental (Pharmakon) au branché (Ariel Pink). De plus, la cuisine est délicieuse. Baby's All Right est actuellement le meilleur endroit pour écouter de la musique à Brooklyn. Aucun autre lieu ne propose des concerts avec autant de précision et de timing que Baby's All Right. Le seul problème est que vous pourrez souvent n'entendre la musique que depuis un endroit bondé dans la salle avant du lieu. Parvenir à entrer dans la salle principale pour voir le concert peut être un défi, principalement en raison de la popularité de l'endroit. L'excellence est toujours en demande, c'est un fait. Baby's All Right est idéal pour découvrir les nouveaux groupes les plus en vogue de la scène musicale.

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#Restaurant #Music #Club #Concert #Venue
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Musica dal vivo in un’atmosfera infuocata (da Esperienze a NY)"


"Indie live music, along with DJ sets, great frozen cocktailssss"


"This eatery, bar and stage—located on a happening little Williamsburg strip—has already become a local musical institution in a few short years, with its lively schedule of au courant musical acts and DJs that range from experimental (Pharmakon) to the voguish (Ariel Pink). And the food's pretty good too. This is full stop currently the best place to hear music in Brooklyn. No one else is booking bills with the precision and timing that Baby’s All Right manages. The only problem is, you’ll often only be hearing the music from a crowded spot in the venue’s front room. Actually getting into the main room to see the music can be a challenge, namely because of the reason I just mentioned: This is simply the best place to go. Excellence is always in demand. That’s just a fact, baby. Best For: The hottest new band in town."


"This eatery, bar and stage—located on a happening little Williamsburg strip—has already become a local musical institution in a few short years, with its lively schedule of au courant musical acts and DJs that range from experimental (Pharmakon) to the voguish (Ariel Pink). And the food's pretty good too. This is full stop currently the best place to hear music in Brooklyn. No one else is booking bills with the precision and timing that Baby’s All Right manages. The only problem is, you’ll often only be hearing the music from a crowded spot in the venue’s front room. Actually getting into the main room to see the music can be a challenge, namely because of the reason I just mentioned: This is simply the best place to go. Excellence is always in demand. That’s just a fact, baby. Best For: The hottest new band in town."


"Mike recommends for dancing"


"salle de concert avec Stéph et son mari l'année dernière"


"Bar sympa, concert quasi tous les soirs d’artistes indépendants. Prendre cash pour entrée côté salle de concert, sinon boire un verre côté bar "


"On the first Saturday of every month they play strictly 90s/early 2000s music"


"pas cher (10 a 15 dollars), aussi quelques vêtements vintage à chiner "


"✨after{show}glow✨ last night was unreal..This wolf slayed the stage💥 Congrats to my favorite @wolfcolonymusic"


"Free live music bar. Night club after live music."


"By day, Baby’s All Right is a solid brunch spot with lots of boozy specials. By night, it turns into one of the city’s coolest live-music ve"


"Cool music venue/bar/diner in the heart of Williamsburg."


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