The Aviary
The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary The Aviary
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496 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Cocktails #Drinks #Nightlife #Fun
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"3/30/24 Fill Collins - $24 - 10/10 Two to Tango - $26 - 8.5/10 My Neighbor To-Taro - $30 - 7.5/10 Truffle Popcorn - $15 - 8.5/10"


"Recommended by James Barton"


"The Office, a vintage speakeasy, is located downstairs. Jungle Bird cocktail recommended by Chicago Magazine "


"Amazing and unique cocktails"


"pricey but the most creative cocktails and presentations I’ve experience from a multi Michelin star chef. Do the 3 cocktail experience or just try to pop in for 1 or two but be sure to let them know flavors you like and you want a presentation"


"The Office is located below."


"another nice bar with good drink and nice set up"


"Good but expensive cocktails. Not sure if the quality was worth the price "


"Craft cocktails in a tasting menu format. Good for bringing guests to."


"Sam recommendation, book way ahead of time "


"Order 3 flights of drinks, very cool presentations "


"Rhonda says high end and delicious"


"“Pushes the boundaries of science and cocktails, without being afraid to serve a simple drink should you want one.” World's Best Cocktails - Tom Sandham The Aviary is a James Beard Award winner for best cocktails in the nation. The ethereal drinks are like nothing you’ve laid lips on before. Some arrive with Bunsen burners, others with a slingshot you use to break the ice. They taste terrific, whatever the science involved. It’s wise to make reservations online. Drinks range between $21 and $29 each. ⚠️ Note the bar’s entrance is actually on Morgan St."


"So great to be reunited with wife 👸🏽👸"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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