La Lonja de la Seda
La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda La Lonja de la Seda

La Lonja de la Seda - Monument historique et musée à Valence

La Lonja de la Seda, également connue sous le nom de Bourse de la soie, est un monument historique impressionnant inscrit au patrimoine national de l'UNESCO. Admirez sa cour des orangers et ses gargouilles, la salle des colonnes, la salle du Consulat de la mer et son beau plafond à caisson, et surtout, partout, les nombreux détails ! C’est un des plus beaux monuments de Valence et même d’Espagne ! En plus de son aspect historique, La Lonja de la Seda abrite également un musée fascinant où vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire de la soie. Après votre visite, profitez d'un délicieux repas dans le restaurant sur place. Ne manquez pas cette expérience incontournable lors de votre séjour à Valence !

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"After the market, stroll across the road to the old Silk Exchange (La Lonja de la Seda) and buy a ticket for 2 EUR to go inside. Prepare to be blown away by the beautiful stained glass and stone pillars built to look like twisted palm trees. Alternatively, join a guided walking tour of Valencia’s Old Quarter and learn more about its history."


"Tour visitable cette année marche de la soie"


"Free on Sundays, nice to have a look at it as well! "


"lundi-samedi : 10h-19h Gratuit dimanche : 10h-14h Ancienne bourse de la soie de Valence"


"Gratis sabato e domenica (?) Maestoso edificio, simbolo dell'opulenza medievale della città, con lavorazioni in pietra e intagli elaborati."


"Monument historique impressionnant inscrit au patrimoine national de L'UNESCO (le seul de Valence). "


"free! beautiful garden w orange trees (photo op)"


"La Loggia della seta o Loggia dei mercanti (in spagnolo: Lonja de la Seda o Lonja de los Mercaderes), chiamato dai valenciani La Lonja o La Llotja (da La Llotja de la Seda o Llotja dels Mercaders in lingua valenciana), è un edificio storico della città di Valencia, in Spagna. Situata nel cuore del centro storico, nella plaza del Mercado, ospita al suo interno l’Accademia Culturale di València in cui vengono frequentemente organizzate manifestazioni espositive. Nel 1931 è diventata monumento storico ed artistico e nel 1996 patrimonio dell'umanità. Il termine spagnolo “Lonja”, deriva dalla parola italiana “loggia” ovvero portico, per mettere in evidenza e sottolineare il fatto che, nei tempi pregressi, numerosi mercanti si trovavano sotto i portici dell'edificio principale per contrattare e vendere la loro merce."


"One of the most important buildings in the city, the 15th century Silk Market, is a World Heritage Site and considered one of the most wonderful examples of non-religious Gothic architecture in Europe. The interior is meant to represent paradise, with its soaring columns symbolising palm trees reaching towards the sky – or roof – which was originally painted blue. Far less pleasant but equally fascinating are the stone gargoyles perched around the exterior, which are by turn pornographic, nausea-inducing or just completely bizarre."


"Gratuit le dimanche, 2€ le reste de la semaine, y aller tôt"


"Vecchia fabbrica della seta "


"Vaut le détour juste pour le mignon petit patio 😊"


"Gratuita los domingos y festivos. La Lonja es uno de los edificios característicos de la ciudad, además de ser uno de los más famosos monumentos del gótico civil que puede ofrecer Europa. Goza de la alta distinción de Monumento Histórico Artístico de carácter nacional desde el 4 de junio de 1931 y fue declarada por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad el 5 de diciembre de 1996. La Lonja de Mercaderes está situada en el centro de la urbe – frente al Mercado Central y el Templo de los Santos Juanes - y ocupa una superficie rectangular cuya área es de unos 1990 metros cuadrados. A finales del siglo XIII, la antigua Lonja se presenta insuficiente ante la prosperidad de la ciudad, por lo que en 1469 se decide iniciar la construcción de una nueva Lonja. La primera piedra se coloca en 1492, aunque el comienzo de las obras tiene lugar un año más tarde. La principal figura que intervino en la construcción fue Pere Compte, ciudadano de València, ingeniero y arquitecto al mismo tiempo. La Lonja consta de tres cuerpos claramente diferenciados y un jardín o "patio de naranjos". El Salón Columnario o Sala de Contratación está dividido en tres naves longitudinales y cinco transversales, en función de las ocho columnas exentas que soportan las bóvedas. Su altura de 17,40 m transmite una singularidad monumentalidad a las columnas. En esta Sala se instaló la Taula de Canvis, instituida en 1407 por el Consejo Municipal de la Ciudad que obtuvo gran prestigio por su solvencia y volumen de operaciones bancarias. Actualmente la Taula o Mesa en la que se realizaban las transacciones mercantiles, así como la 1ª Letra de Cambio conocida en España, se encuentra en el Archivo Municipal de València. El Torreón (segundo cuerpo del edificio). En la planta baja se ubicaba la capilla dedicada a la Inmaculada Concepción, mientras que los dos pisos altos se destinaban a cárcel de mercaderes morosos en el pago."


"Gratuit, salle des colonnes impressionnantes, must do Audio-guide pas indispensable"


"2€ . ma nei festivi è gratis"


"Built during Valencia's golden age, the 15th century, when the Kingdom of Valencia was at its economic and cultural peak, serving as the flagship of the Crown of Aragon throughout the Mare Nostrum, the Valencia Silk Exchange, or Lonja de la Seda, is one of the best examples of Gothic civil architecture in the entire Mediterranean. The first stone was laid in 1482, after the City Council purchased 25 houses for demolition, to obtain land for the new building, and construction began one year later. Commerce became the basis of the Valencian economy during this period, and Valencia was a fundamental point of exchange, in terms of the Mediterranean area. It was the port of Castile, and had trade relations with cities in France, Italy and North Africa. The currency of the Kingdom of Valencia was strong, and the city became rich and grew in economic, cultural and artistic terms. The style of the ceiling and columns of the Sala de Contratación has a logic: they are supposed to represent paradise, the columns are palm trees and the ceiling represents the sky. Before the vault was painted blue, also representing small stars to make it look more real, but a few centuries later it was decided to remove the colors and not put them back. It is called "La Seda" because the silk merchants were the strongest guild in the city of Turia from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. It started being managed by Jewish silk merchants, who had to convert later on in order not to be expelled from their hometown. One of the four parts into which the market is divided is the Tower, which used to be a small dungeon where silk thieves or dishonest merchants were locked up until the relevant authorities came to take care of them. The word "lonja" comes from the Latin "logia", which means portico. It was there, at the doors of the churches, where the merchants met to do business, since they were sheltered from the inclemency of the weather and could be more comfortable while they closed business deals."


"Ancienne bourse magnifique (mais tour très court) "


"Patio d’orangers - 3€, lun à sam 10h - 19h, dim 10h - 14h"


"Un des plus beau batiment de la ville, pas tres grand mais magnifique, pq pas prendre la visite guider qui est interessante"


"Nelle immediate vicinanze della Lonja è possibile incontrare un altro dei più bei Murales di Valencia con una frase di un poema valenciano di Vicent Andrés Estellés “no ser res si no s’és poble” che tradotto letteralmente in italiano significa “non sei niente se non sei città” "


"Petite édifice avec patio et en intérieur des jeux de lumière grâce aux vitraux. Entrée gratuite."


"Cercando fuori dalle finestre la voglia di studiare"


"A Gothic building that once housed the familiar Valencian silk traders and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. "


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