Park's Barbeque
Park's Barbeque Park's Barbeque Park's Barbeque Park's Barbeque Park's Barbeque Park's Barbeque
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Korean #BBQ #Asian #Los Angeles
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Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
certified badge 101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles

101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles


607followers 101places
"#90 Inside the dark halls of Park’s BBQ, you arrive at a sleek dining room where the defining feature is the scent of grilled beef. The initial sensory shock of the aroma combined with the enveloping cloud of grilled beef smoke leaves a stark impression: You have arrived at a meat palace. Park’s BBQ is one of the higher-end Korean BBQ restaurants in Los Angeles, a place where the tabletop grills are laden with impressively well-marbled slabs of beef. Serious-looking servers in black shirts tend the grills, which are powered by gas and charcoal briquettes; the restaurant’s walls are mosaicked with photographs of celebrities who have eaten there before you. The barbecue, which includes thin strips of unmarinated short rib and pork belly seasoned with a house-blend soy sauce, thumps competing barbecue parlors with its consistently superb and varied selection of USDA Prime beef. The banchan, which changes regularly, is bigger and fresher than the competition. There are also several deftly cooked non-barbecue dishes on the menu; you can be happy here with a scarlet bowl of kimchi jjigae. But you will probably not leave without consuming a pound or two of the marinated galbi short ribs, tender at the heart, with bits of char where the meat sat on the grill. Full bar. Valet parking. Credit cards accepted."
certified badge In the Loup - a foodie's world map

In the Loup - a foodie's world map


21212followers 3083places
certified badge Rémi Ferrante Hartman

Rémi Ferrante Hartman


420followers 2261places
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