Sun Nong Dan
Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan Sun Nong Dan
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Korean #Food #LA #Los Angeles
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"For when you haven’t eaten for a whole day "


"Get Galbi Jjim (good to share with group) adjust spiciness "


"#33 Much of the menu at this Koreatown darling, open 24 hours every day, focuses on variations of sullungtang, the cloudy, vitality-restoring soup made from slowly simmering beef bones. But the impatient crowds milling outside its strip-mall façade at noon or 6 p.m. aren’t here for a hangover cure. Most have come, friends in tow, for the galbi jjim. a crimson hill of short ribs, gochugaru-flecked potatoes and chewy rice cakes that easily feeds four. Cheese will be requested; phones will be brandished. The server delivers the galbi jjim in a stone pot on a wooden platter, sprinkles shredded mozzarella, pulls out a no-joke blowtorch and aims it at the stew until the cheese melts. Humans can’t resist staring into fire; everyone in the restaurant gapes mesmerized, every time. Another staffer follows with scissors, snipping the meat into manageable pieces. The stew is a miracle. It soothes, it burns, it satisfies, it exhilarates, and it will make you look like an Instagram baller. Beer, wine and soju only at San Gabriel location. Valet and street parking. Credit cards accepted."


"Commander la Short rib soup et Short rib platter (mild pour le piment) + supplément Rice Cake "


"Went 12/2019. It was Goid but not great. Stew was one note and it’s the only food there. "


"david chang mark wiens 65$ galbi jjim"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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