Funaoka Onsen
Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen Funaoka Onsen
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#Onsen #Bain #Spa #Bains #Hotel
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Proche du pavillon d'Or, voici un bain public qui vaut le détour. Après avoir déposé ses chaussures dans les casiers de l'entrée, hommes et femmes se séparent. À vos ablutions avant de vous plonger dans une douce torpeur... Plusieurs bains, dont certains à remous ou en extérieur dans un minuscule jardin."


"Tattoo friendly for those who have tattoos like me. You may get a few looks mainly because of your tattoo but all is well. Place is great. Not as big but it gets the job done. Multiple baths to choose from. My favorite is the ice bath and the kusuri (medicine) bath. Not a big fan of the under water electroshock therapy. Feels weird and tingly (not recommended for those who have heart problems). A small dry sauna is available. Gender divided, red for female, blue for male. Bring your own towel and soap. You can rent a small towel and purchase soaps at counter. ¥490 for adults, towels ¥100. Not far from the Golden Shrine. Don’t forget to bring your own towel and soap as it is not free. Alternatively, you can rent a towel and purchase shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc for ¥100 each. The hairdryers are also paid."


"Tattoo friendly onsen Sonntags 8am-1am Mo-Sa 3pm-1am"


"Vieux onsen Tattoo friendly"


"Onsen qui est en fait un sento, pas fait mais recommandé "


"After a day spent marching from temple to temple, nothing feels better than a good hot bath. Kyoto is full of sentō (public baths), ranging from small neighbourhood baths with one or two tubs to massive complexes offering saunas, mineral baths and even electric baths. The Funaoka Onsen (船岡温泉; MAP GOOGLE MAP ;; 82-1 Minami-Funaoka-chō-Murasakino, Kita-ku; ¥430; h3pm-1am Mon-Sat, 8am-1am Sun & holidays; g Kyoto City bus 206 to Senbon Kuramaguchi) is one of the best in Kyoto and could even double as an evening’s entertainment. This old bath boasts outdoor bathing and a sauna, as well as some museum-quality woodcarvings in the changing room (apparently carved during Japan’s invasion of Manchuria). Bring your own bath supplies (soap, shampoo, a towel to dry yourself and another small towel for washing); if you forget, you can buy toiletries and rent towels at the front desk. To find it, head west from Horikawa-dōri along Kuramaguchi-dōri. It’s on the left, not far past the Lawson convenience store. Look for the large rocks out the front"


"Très joli et ancien sento "


"the outdoor baths were quite nice"


"大人 430円 中人 150円(小学生の児童) 小人 60円(未就学児・乳幼児)"


"plus vieux onsen de la ville, en cypres, odeur incroyable ! 410 Y"


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