Aman Kyoto
Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto Aman Kyoto

Aman Kyoto - Hôtel de luxe et restaurant japonais à Kyoto

Bienvenue à Aman Kyoto, un hôtel de luxe et restaurant japonais d'exception niché dans la magnifique ville de Kyoto. Avec ses 5 étoiles, Aman Kyoto offre une expérience inoubliable alliant l'élégance traditionnelle japonaise et le confort moderne. Détendez-vous dans des chambres somptueuses, savourez des mets exquis au restaurant réputé et imprégnez-vous de la culture et de la sérénité du Japon. Que vous soyez en voyage d'affaires ou en escapade romantique, Aman Kyoto vous promet un séjour authentique et raffiné.

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"CN Editors’ Favorite 2025 CN Gold List 2025 Two Lichelin Keys 2025, from €2.5K pn 5* | 24 guestrooms and 2 two-bedroom villas Aman took their time getting to Japan, but the results have proven to be well worth the wait. The third, after the skyscraper-topping Aman Tokyo and the ryokan-style Amanemu, is set in one of Kyoto’s most extraordinary places: a vast private garden and an expanse of unspoiled forest — within the city limits, at the foot of a wild mountain — that was intended as the site for a textile museum before it became the immaculately designed, fantastically luxurious Aman Kyoto. If you’re familiar with their hotels you’ll know this combination of high style and high luxury is a certainty — and you’re also familiar with the work of the late architect Kerry Hill, whose haute-minimalist buildings and exquisite garden landscapes are an Aman signature. The rooms and suites are typically extraordinary, and vary in views: Western style or tatami furniture, garden, mountain or city views, with traditional Hinoki baths. And the freestanding pavilions are on another level, both figuratively and literally, as they occupy the property’s most elevated vantage. The spa offerings, naturally, are quite over-the-top as well, including spring-fed onsen baths as well as more typical treatments and even mindfulness sessions. Meanwhile The Living Pavilion by Aman serves as the hotel’s restaurant, serving Kyoto-style cuisine impeccably sourced from local purveyors. And while the on-site experience is perfectly complete as it is, Aman Kyoto happens to be surrounded by no fewer than 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including temples, shrines, and much, much more."


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