Amass Restaurant
Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant Amass Restaurant

Amass Restaurant - Cuisine nordique durable et gastronomique à Copenhague

Amass Restaurant est un restaurant gastronomique scandinave situé dans un ancien entrepôt, où le chef Matt Orlando, ancien chef de Noma, sert une cuisine durable et zéro déchet. Les ingrédients proviennent du potager sur place, et la cuisine met en avant les sous-produits et les produits moins nobles. Essayez le menu dégustation de 7 plats ou le menu végétalien, et profitez de la vue sur les anciens docks depuis la salle à manger industrielle. Le restaurant dispose également de sa propre brasserie, Broaden & Build. Réservez maintenant pour une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle !

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Ristorante #Copenhagen #Gastronomie #Gastro
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Smart casual modern nordic"


"One of the best restaraunts in CPH. Went for Helen’s birthday. 7 course dinner. Fabulous! The broth soup and tempeh and mackerel were divine! As was the service! "


"In his graffiti-covered restaurant with concrete walls and huge windows, Matt Orlando, former chef at Noma, serves up zero-waste Scandinavian cuisine. Many of the ingredients come from the on-site garden. Note that Amass Fried Chicken, his concept born during the pandemic, is also worth a visit."


"Google Maps Link Updated: Sun, 08 Mar 2020 18:30:40 +0000"


"Nordic Cuisine Easy access via bus boat"


"good cheaper michelin restaurant. High qualtiy, locally produced"


"Fantastisk oplevelse. God betjening og rigtig lækker mad. Fik vin menu, og det fortrød vi på ingen måde."


"Cucina vegetale (si spende)"


"Airy, industrial dining room serving global dishes, made from produce sourced from kitchen garden."


"AFC take away enter from the garden fried chicken "


"Menus 80 and 100 without alcohol "


"L’un des meilleurs restaurants du Pays. "


"Zero waste own garden previous Noma must try "


"Menu à 100 ou 67 pour lunch "


"Cool restaurant. Can also go for a bottle at the bar and head to nearby sister restaurant, Broaden and Build, after for fried chicken."


"Matt Orlando Restaurant doté de potager"


"Matt Orlando Restaurant doté de potager"


"Matt Orlando Restaurant doté de potager"


"By Matt Orlando, Michelin-starred and Noma background, from California. First restaurant that opened on Refshaleøen. Grafitti art inside."


"Également possible de tester Amass Fried Chicken 🐔 "


"Yeah, we probably can't afford this"


"New nordic with a twist restau"


"Le resto de Matt Orlando, ancien head chef de NOMA v1. Full bio et créatif. Un des chouchou d’Andrea PETRINI "


Approuvé par 8 partenaires officiels
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