Barabba Barabba Barabba Barabba Barabba Barabba Barabba Barabba

Barabba - Restaurant italien à Copenhague

Barabba est un restaurant italien situé à Copenhague, qui se distingue par son ambiance branchée et son menu centré sur les pâtes et la cuisine italienne. C'est l'endroit idéal pour dîner et profiter d'une soirée agréable. Ouvert tard, même le dimanche, il est très prisé par les chefs et les professionnels de l'industrie de la restauration. Le restaurant attire également un public plus jeune, attiré par l'atmosphère animée de sa petite salle à manger. Ne manquez pas de goûter le fameux spaghetti aux truffes, parfois proposé en spécialité. Venez découvrir Barabba et réservez votre table dès maintenant pour une expérience culinaire italienne inoubliable !

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Italien #Italian #Dinner #Ristorante
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"#conseilwhoogys a essayer ++"


"Italien gastro qui a l’air dingo"


"Love it, good vibe, beeeessst pasta with caviar "


"Creative et quali, autour des pâtes principalement"


"Reportedly has GF pasta and bread to make whole meal GF; good negronis and natural wine list"


"Hip Italian restaurant with an emphasis on pasta "


"Sélection Le Fooding dans leur substack Saucisse"


"If you want to see where other chefs hang out in Copenhagen, Barabba is one of your best bets. A cross between a wine bar and neighbourhood Italian, it is often packed with those from the restaurant world enjoying a drink or meal after their shifts as it is open late, even on Sundays. It is also popular with those from the creative industries and attracts a younger crowd than many on this list, drawn by the buzz of its small dining room. It is probably better suited to pure enjoyment than bashing out the fine print of a deal Inquire about the truffle spaghetti, which is sometimes offered as a special"


"Des sacrées cool pasta et une jolie selecta de vins natures. "


"Italien with a fancy twist"


"Fantastic experience. It is the best experience I have had with Italian food in Copenhagen. The menu is both tasty and interesting. So some of the dishes you do not know what to exepctt from. Would definitely recommend the place to anyone who appreciates Italian cuisine. The total experience is a bit more pricy than a lot of the italian restaurants i Copenhagen. But from my point of view, there is a lot of value for money."


"Cucina fino a tardi. Posto carino. Carta vino top"


"Köket stänger 2 A.M. fre + lör !!"


"En av de beste naturvinkjellerne i København, skal også ha veldig god pasta. Anbefalt av Anders Husa"


"late night menu! pasta bron:"


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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