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101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles
"#29 At her calm, quirky, Historic Filipinotown sanctuary, Minh Phan begins her porridges by simmering Kokuho Rose rice from Central California’s Koda Farms with aromatics; she uses this base like staves on blank sheet music, adding meats, pickles and other garnishes to build melodies and counterpoints. Her creations revolve constantly, though one steadfast option with chicken, mushrooms, pickled celery and soy-spiked ground turkey is an ideal introduction to her quietly spectacular brand of comfort food. In warmer months I veer toward Phan’s vivid fermented tea salad strewn with nuts and of-the-moment vegetables and fruits. “Puffs” are hot, deep-fried sticks of dough that most resemble youtiao, the Chinese crullers often served with congee for breakfast. They can be ordered with powdered sugar and dipping creams but I prefer them plain and savory; the true draw for dessert is the melting mochi cakes drizzled with miso caramel. Though the restaurant deserves to be busier, Porridge + Puff’s minimalist room is a reprieve from the madding world. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."
In the Loup - a foodie's world map
Autres lieux Ă voir autour
720 N Virgil Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029, États-Unis
Ajouté par1801 utilisateurs
Night + Market Song
3322 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026, United States
Ajouté par670 utilisateurs
Langer's Delicatessen-Restaurant
704 S Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
Ajouté par544 utilisateurs
Sun Nong Dan
3470 W 6th St #7, Los Angeles, CA 90020, États-Unis
Ajouté par173 utilisateurs
3206 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026, États-Unis
Ajouté par144 utilisateurs
Porridge & Puffs
2801 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057, USA
Ajouté par102 utilisateurs
Mohawk Bend
2141 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026, États-Unis
Ajouté par195 utilisateurs
Alfred Coffee
3337 1/2 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90026
Ajouté par237 utilisateurs
California Donuts
3540 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90020, États-Unis
Ajouté par230 utilisateurs
Courage Bagels
777 N Virgil Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90029, USA
Ajouté par451 utilisateurs
"#29 At her calm, quirky, Historic Filipinotown sanctuary, Minh Phan begins her porridges by simmering Kokuho Rose rice from Central California’s Koda Farms with aromatics; she uses this base like staves on blank sheet music, adding meats, pickles and other garnishes to build melodies and counterpoints. Her creations revolve constantly, though one steadfast option with chicken, mushrooms, pickled celery and soy-spiked ground turkey is an ideal introduction to her quietly spectacular brand of comfort food. In warmer months I veer toward Phan’s vivid fermented tea salad strewn with nuts and of-the-moment vegetables and fruits. “Puffs” are hot, deep-fried sticks of dough that most resemble youtiao, the Chinese crullers often served with congee for breakfast. They can be ordered with powdered sugar and dipping creams but I prefer them plain and savory; the true draw for dessert is the melting mochi cakes drizzled with miso caramel. Though the restaurant deserves to be busier, Porridge + Puff’s minimalist room is a reprieve from the madding world. No alcohol. Street parking. Credit cards accepted."
"Savoureux porridge asiatique. "
"Ambiance tranquille avec excellents porridges salés et dessert de dingue avec le Brown butter mochi!"