Angel's Share
Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share Angel's Share

Angel's Share - Speakeasy bar à cocktails caché dans un restaurant japonais

Angel's Share est un bar speakeasy caché dans un restaurant japonais de l'East Village. Pour y accéder, il faut entrer dans le restaurant Village Yokocho et monter l'escalier jusqu'au deuxième étage. Poussez ensuite la porte dérobée pour découvrir une déco jolie et raffinée où on ne sait plus si on est à Tokyo ou New York ! Angel's Share est une vraie valeur sûre pour les amateurs de cocktails exotiques et raffinés. Leur carte de boissons est impressionnante, avec des martinis et des cocktails créatifs à base de whisky japonais. C'est le lieu idéal pour une soirée romantique ou pour impressionner quelqu'un. Angel's Share est un bar clandestin sans réservation, donc arrivez tôt pour éviter la queue. Ce speakeasy est l'un des meilleurs bars à cocktails de New York, selon Thrillist et TONY. Commandez le guide Cartoville New York 2023 (Quartier C) pour plus d'informations sur Angel's Share et les autres bars cachés de la ville.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Speakeasy #Cocktails #Cocktail #Drinks #Restaurant
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Speakeasy (via restaurant Village Yokocho) Secrets de New Yorkais Pas de réservation Open from 5pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. "


"Meilleur cocktail de la vie de Léa Pop"


"Famous cocktail bar amazing drinks "


"POSSIBLY CLOSED - Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space."


"Sick speakeasy (honestly coolest one ive been to), great fancy drinks, best for date or 2ppl (permanently closed :("


"Best japonese speakeasy in town"


"Speakeasy in Japan village with really unique drinks"


"Hidden in Village Yokocho (resto)"


"Entrer d’abord dans le resto japonais "


"Go into Village Yokocho/Sharaku (?). Entrance is hidden. May be on the second floor?"


"Lethal drinks hidden behind a sketchy restaurant. "


"Wonderful speakeasy, cozy atmosphere, behind an unmarked wooden door inside East Village Japanese restaurant Village Yokocho, try The Flitbird!! Or the Night Train, you have to climb the stairs up to the restaurant and wooden door on the left "


"*past Yakayori bar through door. Exotic cocktails in a cool hard to find speakeasy bar. "


"Dentro de um restaurante chinês"


"Speakeasy (Secret hidden bar)"


"Cocktail bar on sidewalk, accepts resos"


"Went with Kevin, gorgeous Japanese speakeasy "


"Village yokocho for food in front"


"Used to be speakeasy may still be it’s own bar post covid "


"Walk through an unmarked door at the front of Japanese restaurant village yokocho"


"Inside of the Japanese restaurant Village Yokocho"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first! Inside Yokocho eatery. Walk into the unmarked side door at the front of Japanese restaurant Village Yokocho, take the stairs up and you’ll find a door in the back of the room. "


"speakeasy above a sushi restaurant"


"Recommended by Hugo Boss salesperson"


"Top cocktail bars in NYC on mapstr"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Inside Village Yokocho, ascend narrow staircase, make a left into the dining room, push through unmarked door. "


"Speakeasy: the access is inside the Japanese restaurant, door on the left"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"A speakeasy!! Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space."


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Ascend staircase and cut through the adjacent Japanese restaurant (attention à la queue)"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Entrée au 2nd floor du restaurant Village Yokocho "


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Speakeasy. Porte sur l'extérieur. Monter une volée d'escaliers. Arriver dans un resto boui boui japonais. Trouver la porte"


"Don’t forget the Annex next door if Angel’s Share itself is too busy. "


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


"Ascends staircases and cut through a Japanese restaurant"


"Go upstairs to the Japanese restaurant and go left through the unmarked door. Quiet, intimate, and great drinks."


"Bar caché, après l'escalier du restaurant japonais. "


"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"

"Speakeasy-style bar in the East Village offering exotic cocktails in a cool, hard-to-find space. Enter a Japanese restaurant first!"


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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