Little Collins
Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins Little Collins

Little Collins - Café, Restaurant et Brunch à Paris

Little Collins est un café-restaurant situé à Paris, réputé pour son brunch incontournable. Venez déguster nos délicieux pancakes, tartines à l'avocat et autres plats frais et délicieux. Notre café de qualité est également très apprécié. Profitez d'une ambiance conviviale et réservez votre table dès maintenant pour un petit-déjeuner ou un brunch mémorable chez Little Collins. Ne manquez pas notre porridge et notre café signature. Nous sommes ouverts tous les jours et nous vous attendons avec impatience !

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Café #Restaurant #Coffee #Breakfast #Cafe
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Très bon brunch. Un peu d’attente car pas de réservations mais il vaut la peine"


"Adresse bâcle s sales et sucres "


"Uno dei proprietari del Little Collins è l’australiano Leon Unglik, che emula i rinomati caffè della sua città natale, Melbourne: spazi semplici, accoglienti e di tendenza che servono un caffè superlativo e una cucina altrettanto buona. Il Little Collins vanta anche la prima macchina per caffè Modbar di New York City con l’attrezzatura high-tech nascosta sotto il bancone lasciando in vista solo eleganti bocchette cromate simili a quelle della birra alla spina. Non perdetevi lo ‘smash’ di avocado (toast con avocado schiacciato, $8,95)."


"Millor ubicació el de la 3a Buttermilk pancakes Avocado toast"


"Coffee / brunch ( toujours du monde : réserver avant ) "


"très bon café (~5$) avocado toast délicieux pancakes très bons aussi très cool pour un brunch mais un peu bruyant "

"Gezellig tentje voor koffie en ontbijt (Avo toast, salmon toast)"


"café avec quelques plats : pancakes, omelettes, sandwich, salade"


"Avocado toast, Australian inspired"


"Pedimos: old uncle fred (banana bread, muuuuito bom), the smash (avocado toast). Delicioso."


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. "


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


"Sleek counter serve offering crafted coffees & Australian daytime mains such as toast with vegamite. Try their smash avocado toast!"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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