The Frick Collection
The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection The Frick Collection

La Collection Frick : Musée d'art privé à New York

La Collection Frick est un musée d'art privé situé à New York, dans l'hôtel particulier de Henry Clay Frick, un riche industriel décédé en 1919. La collection est l'une des plus grandes collections d'art privé du monde, avec une impressionnante collection de peintures européennes, du Moyen Âge à l'impressionnisme, ainsi que des sculptures et des arts décoratifs. La maison d'origine est fermée jusqu'à fin 2023 pour rénovation, mais vous pouvez visiter Frick Madison pour admirer les chefs-d'œuvre de Bellini, Clodion, Gainsborough, Goya, Holbein, Houdon, Ingres, Piero della Francesca, Rembrandt, Titian, Turner, Velázquez, Vermeer, Whistler et bien d'autres. Frick Madison est un musée temporaire situé sur Madison Avenue, dans le bâtiment conçu par Marcel Breuer, anciennement occupé par le Whitney Museum of American Art et plus récemment par le Met Breuer. La collection est organisée chronologiquement et par région, offrant une expérience unique pour admirer les chefs-d'œuvre de l'art européen. Si vous êtes un amateur d'art, ne manquez pas la Collection Frick, l'un des musées les plus impressionnants de New York.

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"Even among the world-class museums in New York City, the Frick Collection is a rare jewel of exceptional beauty. Built by industrialist Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919), it was once a lavish home that has been turned into a museum. Visitors feel like guests as they take in masterpiece paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. But it is the beloved Fragonard Room that may well be the most romantic room in the city. And the fascinating story behind it is a tale of love, rejec tion, and rebuilding. It all began with a mistress. Comtesse du Barry, the lover of French King Louis XV, was building a pleasure pavilion near Paris. In 1771, she asked Jean-Honoré Fragonard to paint four canvases depicting the stages of love: the pursuit, a secret meeting, marriage, and reading love letters. The towering canvases are filled with glorious gardens, frothy brushwork, and courtly love. They are exceedingly romantic, and yet the Comtesse wasn't pleased. She refused the paintings and returned them to Fragonard. Years later, the artist installed them in his cousin's villa in southern France, and he painted seven additional canvases. The works remained there for some 100 years, until American banker J.P. Morgan purchased the paintings for his London townhouse. But when Morgan died, Frick saw an opportunity. In 1915, he bought the entire suite. Even though Frick had just moved into his mansion, he had his new drawing room reconfigured to make room for the paintings. Special wood paneling, or boiserie, was made in France to frame the paintings perfectly. Textiles from an iconic French fabric maker adorn the windows. Even exquisite hardware graces the doors. A century later, the Fragonard Room remains a treasure in the history of art. Surrounded by exquisite furniture and porcelain, it's a pastel nod to 18th-century France - and a bold tribute to love and opportunity."


"Une des plus belles collections de tableaux à NY. Attention, le musée a du changer d'endroit - le lieu originel a été en travaux longtemps"


"FRICK COLLECTION MUSEo GALLERIA D’ARTE Cartina p462 (%212-288-0700;; 1 E 70th St, all’angolo con Fifth Ave; interi/studenti $22/12, su offerta 14-18 mer, primo venerdì del mese escluso gen e set 18-21 gratuito; h10-18 mar-sab, 1117 dom; b6 fermata 68th St-Hunter College) Questa stupenda collezione d’arte è ospitata in un palazzo signorile fatto costruire dal magnate dell’acciaio Henry Clay Frick, una delle molte lussuose residenze affacciate sul tratto della Fifth Ave un tempo chiamato ‘Millionaires’ Row’. Il museo ha una dozzina di splendide sale costellate di capolavori di Tiziano, Vermeer, Gilbert Stuart, El Greco, Joshua Reynolds, Goya e Rembrandt. La mostra comprende anche sculture, ceramiche e mobili e orologi di antiquariato. Gli amanti della musica classica apprezzeranno i concerti per pianoforte e violino (p231) che vi si tengono spesso la domenica sera. La galleria è una tappa molto piacevole per vari motivi. Prima di tutto, si trova in una grande e incantevole residenza BeauxArts costruita tra il 1913 e il 1914 da Carrère e Hastings. Di solito, inoltre, non è affollato (a parte forse durante mostre di grande richiamo). Infine, il cortile interno con la fontana gorgogliante e il giardino, aperto alle visite se il tempo lo consente, conferiscono al museo un’atmosfera piacevolmente raccolta. La sobria Portico Gallery espone opere di arte decorativa e sculture. (Tenete presente che non è consentito l’accesso al museo ai minori di 10 anni.) Nel prezzo del biglietto è inclusa un’utile audioguida (disponibile in diverse lingue)."


"Demeure d'Harry Clay Frick un ancien milliardaire de l'acier. Ce luxueux hôtel particulier sert d'écrin à une magnifique collection de peinture des meilleurs artistes européens, ainsi que des sculptures, des meubles, des pièces de porcelaine, des émaux et des tapis. La visite est très intéressante pour les œuvres de grands peintres comme Renoir, Monet."


"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world!"


"cool building (so says Donny); mentioned in the Wallpaper guide"


"cool building (so says Donny); mentioned in the Wallpaper guide"


"The museum, located at 1 E. 70th St., was the inspiration for The Avengers mansion. The legendary Stan Lee (who passed away in November 2018 at the superheroic age of 95!) was admired the elegant Frick Museum which he walked past during his commute to Marvel Comics offices."


"Époustouflant hôtel particulier de Henry Clay Frick"


"Magnifique musée A faire et à refaire "


"Pay what you wish: Thursdays 4 - 6 pm"


"collezione d'arte dentro una maison del 1900 di un ricco magnate casa bellissima + importante collezione d'arte"


"For those who have a particular interest in art from the Old Master era, The Frick Madison holds a striking collection of European paintings, sculptures, and other mediums. Currently, the original location is closed for renovation, but thankfully they opened up a temporary museum on Madison Avenue, for those wishing to marvel at their art as soon as possible."


"pinned from instagram:"


"Gratuit samedi de 11h à 13h"


"Meilleur musée de NY - Rooftop a voir"




"Recommandé par 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.200"


"Riche industriel décédé en 1919, Henry Caly Frick s'est constitué tout au long de sa vie une impressionnante collection, avec notamment des tableaux signés Vermeer et Turner. Ouvert du jeudi au dimanche 10h-18h Tous les jeudis de 16 à 18h, paye ce qu'on veut"


"No idea on hours. Closed due to COVID"


"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."


"musée coup de coeur ❤️ pay-as-you-wish on thursday 2pm - 6pm"

"Mon tableau préféré s’y trouve: Giovanni Bellini « St Francis In the desert » 1ère venue à NY en 1993"


"Meno gettonato. Super consigliato "


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville New York 2020 (Quartier G) ! Commandez le guide ici :"


"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."




"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."


"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."


"Toiles classiques, hôtel particulier style"


"Piste de bowling secrète dessous "


"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."


"Frick is known for its distinguished Master paintings. European sculpture and decorative arts."


"A wonder ! Visitor’s tip: “Pay what you wish” admission every Sunday between 11 am and 1 pm"


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"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."
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"This art museum houses the collection of industrialist Henry Frick. It's one of the biggest private art collections in the world! Amazing."
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