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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Ristorante #Turkish #Rooftop #Terrasse
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"A proposito di passato e presente, l'indirizzo che meglio incarna questa relazione e la mistura di culture gastronomiche locali, è Lokanta 1741, in uno dei più antichi hammam della città, giusto a un passo dalla Moschea di Santa Sofia, dalla Moschea Blu e dalla Cisterna Basilica."


"Buono e bellissimo- tipico turco Goose dumplings e seabass molto buoni"


"El restaurante está dentro del Hammam. El sitio es increíble de bonito y la comida y el servicio super bueno y agradable."


"C’est un resto chique dans la péninsule historique avec la cuisine turque mais un peu fusionnée. J’ai ramené Théo là-bas et il l’a aimé. Ici c’est un resto dans le hammam (ambiance super sympa et romantique). J’avais réservé une table sur ligne avant d’y aller"


"Foodfriendstravelling oryantal1741 13/10/23"


"na tarasie! pysznie, elegancko i romantycznie!"


"Lokanta 1741 is located in the beautiful and 300-year-old Cagaloglu Hammam. With its beautiful and historic location, Lokanta 1741 provides a delicious selection of food inspired by Ottoman culture. Do not miss out on the chance of trying out their special cocktails, their authentic yet innovative menus of seafood and kebab varieties prepared for you by the best chefs in Istanbul. Lokanta 1741 is also recommended by the 2023 Michelin Guide Istanbul, making it one of the best spots for a taste of fine dining istanbul 2023."


"Restaurant Hamam Cagaloglu Recommandé Michelin"


"Beaut restaurant in a hammam "


"Modern Turkish food in a beautiful location (turkish bath) classy, elegant. Great service Here on 07.04.23"


"Restaurant Michelin dans un hammam"


"Menu pranzo più economico della cena. Chiuso di domenica"


"Book a reservation on the roof! Amazing food, incredible atmosphere "


"CN - Modern turkish dishes"


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