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#Restaurant #Italian #Diner #Italien #Dinner
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"Michelin Guide mention 2023 Green Star (Sustainability Gastronomy) #22 Best Restaurant by LA Time in 2023 The carnivorous heart of Nancy Silverton's "Mozzaplex" is as strong as ever. A modern Italian take on the old-school steakhouse, the restaurant boasts a steady menu of classics that seem to have only gotten better with age. Is there a better beginning than the indulgently cheesy focaccia di recco? Is there a chicken more compelling than the 24-hour brined and marinated pollo alla diavola? The team makes the most of smoke and live fire, as big proteins pass through the wood-burning oven. Indeed, this is hearty cooking that is seasoned boldly and keenly seasonal, served in a space that is intimate and energized all at once. A superb wine list celebrates the vast talents of Italy, and an astute, welcoming staff keeps everything flowing with ease."


"Saison 3 de chef’s table Nancy Silverton "


"It’s been a decade since Nancy Silverton’s “Italian meat restaurant” emerged from the catering and cooking-class space at the corner of Melrose and Highland avenues, though Chi Spacca still feels like the unruly younger sibling to the adjacent Osteria Mozza and Pizzeria Mozza. The 36-ounce Florentine-style bone-in New York strip, cooked exactingly to showcase the beef’s mineral tang and melting fat, costs just over $200 these days. It feeds at least three people; I don’t know of a better steak in Los Angeles. The potato, Comte and caramelized onion pie makes a superb accompaniment. I will always order the focaccia di Recco, a crackery, stretchy-cheesy flatbread with Ligurian origins that Silverton obsessed over for years to perfect. You’re most likely to see the woman herself in action for the lunchtime burger event held the first Saturday of every month. There is Silverton, flipping burgers and stacking them on sesame-crusted buns with the single-mindedness of a neurosurgeon."


"Milk roasted pork loin bistecca fiorentina, chicken pot pie, "


"Nancy Silverton. Italian charcuterie. “An ode to meat”"


"Charcuterie, Focaccia di Recco"


"Steak’s been raised 📷 @rubyelle"


"Date unknown - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ chicken is amazing, steak is out of this world, focaccia is to die for. Everything is amazing"

"Italien très bon, on peut y manger à toute heure. En train d’ouvrir ‘Mozza’ next doir, a l’air top pour dîner le soir!"


"pour la foccacia au fromage"


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