Florería Atlántico
Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico Florería Atlántico
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Cocktails #Cocktail #Speakeasy #Drinks
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Sharing plates, worlds top 50 bars apparently ?"


"Speakeasy dans un fleuriste"


"Drinks pessimos e caros; comida deliciosa"


"Fun basement speakeasy with great drinks and a cute bartender I should have talked to"


"Bar caché sous un floriste"


"Melhor bar de drinks da cidade"


"Argentijns casual Worth travel"


"Resto caché derrière un fleuriste, en sous sol, bien réserver à l’avance, cadre sympa"


"restaurante dentro de uma floricultura"


"Boire un verre dans un fleuriste "


"Bar en sous sol on on rentre par une boutique de fleurs, très sympa mais casse pas trois pattes à un canard - cocktail très bon et pas cher "


"A réserver plusieurs semaines en avance. Bar sous la boutique fleuriste"


"Llista 50 millors bars d'Europa."


"n#5 de los mejores 50 bares 2021"


"Bar caché en dessous un fleuriste. Bons cocktails, nourriture bof"


"No. 30 Worlds 100 Best Bars 2023 (7 in 2020) Florería Atlántico is a speakeasy, but not as you know it. There’s the expected nondescript door, sure, but it’s hidden beneath a florist – also owned by the dynamic hospitality industry duo Aline Vargas and Renato Giovannoni. Unlike the American low-profile speakeasy concept on which it is loosely based, this is a cosmopolitan sort of basement bar, attracting a fun-loving Buenos Aires crowd to the old docks of the Argentinian capital. In drinks, Florería celebrates the contribution of the country’s immigrants: American bartenders and their cocktail culture, the English and the Dutch who brought their gin and genever, the wines (and amaris) of the Italians, Spanish, French and Portuguese, and more and more its own country’s rich and varied treasures. So, far from being another clone of an international concept, Florería is a love letter to Argentina, its products and people."


"Numéro 7 Du classement « The World’s 50 Best Bars 2020 »"


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