Lucali Lucali Lucali Lucali Lucali Lucali Lucali

Lucali - La meilleure pizzeria italienne de Brooklyn

Lucali est une pizzeria italienne située à Brooklyn, New York. Avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience, elle est considérée comme l'une des meilleures pizzerias de la ville. Les clients attendent souvent des heures pour déguster leurs pizzas incroyables. La pizzeria est célèbre pour sa pizza Margherita, sa calzone et sa sauce délicieuse. Les célébrités comme Beyoncé et Jay-Z ont également visité cette pizzeria. Lucali est une pizzeria italienne authentique qui sert des pizzas classiques italiennes avec une touche de New York. Elle est connue pour son ambiance chaleureuse et son service amical. Si vous cherchez une expérience de restaurant italien authentique à New York, Lucali est l'endroit idéal pour vous. N'oubliez pas d'apporter votre propre bouteille car la pizzeria est BYOB et ne prend que de l'argent comptant. Venez tôt pour éviter les longues files d'attente et profiter de la meilleure pizza italienne de Brooklyn.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Pizza #Italian #Italien #Food
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Pizza Calzone Vodka pasta Meatballs Pork chops"


"On peut voir Jay z résa un mois à l’avance "


"“Show up before 5. Put your name on the list. Go have a drink. We'll call you when your table is ready.” It might be an hour, it might be three: Lucali is worth surrendering an evening for."


"Best pizza according to Beyoncé. Get there by 4 o’clock on a weekday to put your name on the list."


"Pizza énorme 1 pour 2, réserver en direct à 17h "


"meilleure pizza selon le guide tenter avant 17 h mais longue attente 12-24$"

"pizza preferita Jay-Z a Brooklyn "


""The Most Legendary Pizza Restaurant In Brooklyn"?"


""The Most Legendary Pizza Restaurant In Brooklyn"?"


"Pizzaria Brick 🧱 Oven Calzones "


"Supposed to be amazing pizza "


"matt james' top 5 pizzas of all time"


"Per nico - worth the wait- go an hour before it opens"


"wait in line and put name down"


"Jay Z's favorite pizza spot. This place is incredible and the pizza is fantastic. Top 3 for me. Get here early to make a reservation. BYOB so walk to the liquor store and tell them you want a good pizza wine."


"Pizzeria préférée de Beyoncé "


"Non mais des pizza de fou 🥴"


"Renowned pizza. No reservation, arrive around 4 and put name in on a weekday. BYOB."


"Went in winter 2019 — the hype is real. Get the calzone too, maybe even better than the pizza. I can’t remember what we even ordered but the pizza and calzone were both great, as was the desert calzone. We got in line at like 430 on a Tuesday, they opened at like 5 and they told us to come back at like 730, so the waiting wasn’t too bad. Would definitely wait at least an hour in line again for it. I think the real power move is to get a pizza to go and just eat it on the street or in a park nearby. They do a very healthy take out and app delivery business it seems. No idea if they stop taking orders at some point before they close."


"opens at 4:30 but 100 people in line at 3"


"Looks like insane pizza; off-menu spicy rigatoni and meatballs are incredible "


"Best pizza in nyc apparently"


"Pizza place we have to go "


"For the famous pizza, good some of the most high quality pizza around but they will rush you"


"No res, Opens at 5, start taking names for waitlist at 4, line starts forming at 2:30 need to be there latest by 3:30"


"Waited 2 hours for take out. Would still love to eat inside. Plenty of nearby bars to take your take out pie. "


"Have to arrive hours early to get a table, but odometer of the best pizza in NYC"


"Put name in before 5, get drink and come back "


"$$ Arriver avant 17 heures (16 heures/16h 15 si vous espérez être au premier service) liste d’attente "


"Les meilleures pizzas de brooklyn"


"Need to be in the line to book table around 4.30pm / garlic + basil is a must + calzone (!) best pizza in NYC ?!!"


"Cash only, BYOB, super cosy"


"pizzeria incroyable (selon Manon), mais ne pas aller aux heures de pointe (y aller vers 15h) Brooklyn"


"Need to get there at 4 to put your name in "


"Pres gave 9.3. Said it’s a top 10 pizza in the world "


"cal order to go- 2ish hour wait"


"hay q pararse en fila desde las 2:45 to get a table but its worth it! solo tienen calzone y pizza"


"Cash only and each pie is worth $30 so bring lots"


"Michael says best pizza in the world"


"One of Dave Chang’s favorite pizza spots"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.246 et p.12 -Meilleure pizza et calzone Donner notre nom avant 17h. Apporter son vin "


"Supposed to be the best pizza in Brooklyn. Need to come at 5pm to write your name and wait for a seat. "


"Meilleure pizza “ugly delicious Netflix”"


"La pizzeria préf de David Chang "


"wait in line at 5pm to secure table "


"Pizza italiennes authentiques à partir de 5$. Meilleur pizza de NY. Arriver très tôt pour réserver !"


"Incredible flavor & fresh! Line starts early, get there around 4PM"


"Popular neighborhood eatery serves thin-crust pizza & guests bring their own wine & beer; cash only."


Approuvé par 4 partenaires officiels
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