Pandeli Restaurant - Restaurant Turc Historique au Bazar Égyptien
Situé au premier étage du Bazar Égyptien, Pandeli Lokantası est l'un des plus anciens restaurants de la ville, avec 119 ans d'histoire et une liste d'illustres invités tels que Winston Churchill, Audrey Hepburn et Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Le restaurant Pandeli est un incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine turque traditionnelle. L'ambiance est envoûtante avec ses carreaux bleus emblématiques, et de nombreux convives choisissent de s'asseoir en admirant les ferries et les tramways passant par la place d'Eminönü. Pandeli propose une cuisine istanbuliote classique avec quelques touches modernes. Les plats signatures sont divins, notamment le hünkar beğendi (aubergine rôtie au charbon, purée avec du lait, du beurre et du fromage, servi avec du veau braisé à la tomate), le dönerli patlıcan böreği (börek à l'aubergine garni de döner), le jarret d'agneau aux épinards, la dorade en papillote, les biscuits aux amandes et le vişne tiridi (pudding de pain trempé dans du sirop de cerise, servi avec de la crème épaisse). Réservez votre déjeuner pour vivre une expérience culinaire authentique au cœur de l'histoire d'Istanbul.
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"prix raisonnables au dessus du bazar egyptien"
"A voi, compagni di viaggio e amanti del bello, racconto di una locanda che si erge, maestosa, nel cuore del mercato delle spezie. Sin dall’anno del Signore 1901, essa accoglie i viandanti con un’arte culinaria che rasenta la perfezione. Entrandovi, mi parve di varcare la soglia di un’altra epoca: gli arredi raffinati, il legno lavorato con maestria, e le luci soffuse dipingono un quadro degno di un signore. Sedetti a tavola e mi fu servito un banchetto memorabile. Il dolma, avvolto con cura, era un boccone che sussurrava segreti d’Oriente, mentre il cosciotto d’agnello, tenero e succulento, superava ogni aspettativa. Le puree che lo accompagnavano, ognuna diversa, erano altrettante delizie, come gemme preziose a incorniciare un capolavoro. Il servizio, impeccabile, si addiceva a un uomo del mio rango. La compostezza e il decoro del luogo erano in perfetta armonia con il suo fascino storico, benché confesso di preferire talvolta i clamori e la vivacità dei salotti moderni. Tuttavia, a chi ama il prestigio e la grazia degli antichi fasti, questo luogo sarà senz’altro gradito."
"chiude alle 19 quindi per pranzo "
"Take the stairs to the first floor above the Egyptian bazaar and marvel at the characteristically Turkish decor with its blue mosaics on the walls and its historical cachet. In addition to the main dining space, there are two more private rooms if you would prefer a more intimate setting. The chef resolutely sticks to traditional Turkish dishes: think fragrant dolmas stuffed with rice, berries, pine nuts and a dash of vinegar, or courgette flower filled with feta, deep-fried and paired with a rich and spicy yoghurt dip, to name but a few. This perennial favourite never disappoints!"
"patlıcan böreği, hamsi mücver"
"Guida Michelin Molto buono. Servizio gentile. Ottima okra olio e limone. Mangiato agnello arrosto e agnello alla griglia. Tutto buono! "
"Pandeli : installé dans le bazar aux épices depuis 1926, cette table historique, récompensée par un Bib Gourmand, met à l’honneur des plats qui se transmettent de père en fils : körpe kabak (beignets de fleurs de courgettes farcis au fromage), hünkâr beğendi (agneau cuit sur un lit de caviar d'aubergine rôtie à la béchamel), ayva tatlıs (coing confit surmonté de mascarpone turc. Rüstempaşa Mah. Balık Pazarı kapısı Sokağı Mısırçarşı İçi 1, D 2, 34110 Fatih. Pas de site. Réservation au +90 212 527 3909."
"The story starts over a century ago, when Pandeli Çobanoğlu served piyaz (bean salad) from a street cart near the Spice Market. Eventually he worked his way up to opening this iconic restaurant. Today Pandeli Lokantası is one of the oldest restaurants in town, with 119 years of history and a list of historic guests like Winston Churchill, Audrey Hepburn, and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Located on the first floor of the Spice Market, the space mesmerizes guests with its iconic blue tiles, but many diners choose to sit looking out at the ferries and trams passing through Eminönü Square. Pandeli serves classic Istanbul cuisine with a couple of modern twists thrown in. The signature dishes are divine, including hünkar beğendi (charcoal-roasted eggplant pureed with milk, butter, and cheese, served with tomato-braised veal), dönerli patlıcan böreği (eggplant börek topped with döner), lamb shank with mashed spinach, sea bass en papillote, almond cookies, and vişne tiridi (bread pudding soaked in cherry syrup, served with clotted cream)."
"- Pandelli Restaurant (Melissa) - a must go for tasting more turkish/ottoman inspired food that is on the auropean side, just second floor on the spice market, it is a very old restaurant that ataturk (a great leader that is highly respected in turkey) loved to eat too"
"Ristorante istituzione Turco greco Costo sui 25€"
"Ältestes Restaurant istanbul, gefüllte Weinblätter essen @raue reist "
"over a century. Pandeli is a spot that cannot be missed by true foodies, as they serve delicious and carefully prepared traditional Turkish delicacies, such as mezes of various sorts. You should not miss the liver served in Pandeli, as they are exceptionally talented in this item of the menu."
"resto étoilé dans le bazaar. apparemment assez chouette a voir les prix. lamb stew. eggplant salad."
"Beautiful decor and amazing food 🥘 "
"Tipico e molto bello, controllare prezzi "
"Recommended for lunch inside the bazaar "
"One of the oldest restaurant in Istanbul"
"Excellent restaurant qui travaille les spécialités turques à merveilles. "
"Restaurant in the Egyptian Bazaar, historical place. Food is wonderful, a must go !"
"Situated in the Egyptian bazaar, had one of the best meals of the trip. The sea bass was the highlight of the meal. Absolutely satisfied with the meal. "
"Cuisine turque délicieuse - parfait pour dej avant ou après une balade au grand bazar"
"A coté du marché Bib michelin Typique"
"Très bon restaurant de nourriture tradi dans le grand bazar. Je conseille"
"Tipico, comida. Cerca del mercado de las especias y gran bazar"
"Above spice market (go inside, to the left). Had domer kabob. Really cute old restaurant. Made reservation and got a good table by a window. "
"Un‘icona a Istanbul, cucina tradizionale"
"Typical Turkish restaurant between the spice market and grand bazaar . Very good food "
"As far as I am concerned, Pandeli is the most amazing restaurant of Istanbul with its Ottoman traditional cuisine. You should try 😍😍😍😍"
"Beau décor / bons avis Trip / cuisine Ottomane"