Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen Fløibanen
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"funicolare verso monte floyen"


"Awesome hill in Bergen with great views, hiking trails, and a fun ropes course. "


"Norvège juin 2022 Funiculaire "


"Start of hiking trail up Mt. Floyen; Revurtjernet viewpoint on Mt. Fløyen is reachable via the Fløibanen funicular railway from Bryggen. The Fløibanen is a funicular railway in the Norwegian city of Bergen. It connects the city centre with the mountain of Fløyen, with its mountain walks and magnificent views of the city. It is one of Bergen's major tourist attractions and one of Norway's most visited attractions. Adult ticket price for funicular: Roundtrip - 120-160 NOK ($11.53-15.37) One-way adult - 65-85 NOK ($6.25-8.17); can order tickets on app"


"Funiculaire pour monter au mont fløyen et admirer la vue "


"Funiculaire et jolie vue sur la ville "


"Fløibanen – The Fløibanen building is the hub for grabbing tickets to take the funicular to the top of Bergen where you have the best views over the city. BUT before you take the funicular up, walk to the left (uphill a bit) and take the stairs. You’ll see the most photogenic street to your left with colorful houses, greenery and the solitude you need to capture your perfect photo."


"Funiculaire pour le Mont Foyen. Super vue sur la ville et petite randonnée pour la redescente à pied "


"Funicolare Bergen per panorama "


"Funiculaire de la colline Floyren est le plus agréable. 320 m d’altitude en 7 min. A 150 du marché au poisson "


"funicular railway to top of mount floyen, cafe, can walk back to town 45 mins or woodland walks trail maps at lower terminal inc 1.6km loop to skomakerdiket lake (avoid crusis days as queue will be long)"


"funivia panoramica per arrivare in cima al monte floyen da dove si gode un panorama fantastico"


"Point de vue incontournable sur la ville de Bergen. "


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