Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in Chion-in
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"👟5 Chion-in et Shoren-in Depuis le parc, vous pouvez prendre à l'ouest et rejoindre l'enceinte du Yasaka-jinja. Revenez ensuite au parc et dirigez-vous vers le nord pour visiter le Chion-in (p.68). De là, vous atteindrez rapidement le Shoren-in (p. 75). Descendez ensuite jusqu'à Sanjo- dori, la station Higashiyama."


"Mausolée de Hônen avec la plus grande porte du Japon, appelé sanmon (24m de haut pour 50m de large)"


"Temple bouddhique/ enceinte gratuite"


"A collection of soaring buildings, spacious courtyards and gardens, Chion-in serves as the headquarters of the Jōdo sect, the largest school of Buddhism in Japan. It’s the most popular pilgrimage temple in Kyoto and it’s always a hive of activity. For visitors with a taste for the grand, this temple is sure to satisfy. Chion-in was established in 1234 on the site where Hōnen, one of the most famous figures in Japanese Buddhism, taught his brand of Buddhism (Jōdo – or Pure Land – Buddhism) and eventually fasted to death. The oldest of the present buildings date to the 17th century. The two-storey San-mon temple gate is the largest in Japan. The immense Miei-dō Hall (Main Hall) contains an image of Hōnen. It’s connected to another hall, the Dai Hōjō, by a ‘nightingale’ floor (that sings and squeaks at every move, making it difficult for intruders to move about quietly). Up a flight of steps southeast of the main hall is the temple’s giant bell, which was cast in 1633 and weighs 70 A collection of soaring buildings, spacious courtyards and gardens, Chion-in serves as the headquarters of the Jōdo sect, the largest school of Buddhism in Japan. It’s the most popular pilgrimage temple in Kyoto and it’s always a hive of activity. For visitors with a taste for the grand, this temple is sure to satisfy. The temple has two gardens – the Hōjō garden designed around a pond in the chisen kaiyūshiki style, and the Yuzen-en featuring a karesansui (dry landscape garden). tonnes. It is the largest bell in Japan. The bell is rung by the temple’s monks 108 times on New Year’s Eve each year."


"sede principale della scuola buddhista jodo occhio alla ressa "


"siège de l'école de la secte bouddhiste dernière entrée 15h30"


"insieme di templi, ampli cortili e giardini"


"Impressive Temple Structures The oldest of the present buildings date from the 17th century. The two-storey Sanmon temple gate is the largest in Japan. The immense Mieidō Hall, which measures 35m wide and 45m long, houses an image of Hōnen and is connected with the Dai Hōjō hall by a ‘nightingale’ floor that squeaks as one walks over it. . Temple Bell Chionin’s temple bell was cast in 1633. It is the largest temple bell in Japan. It’s up a flight of steps at the southeastern corner of the temple precincts. The bell is rung by the temple’s monks 108 times on New Year’s Eve each year. Gardens Walk around the back of the main hall to see the temple’s gardens. On the way, you’ll pass a darkened hall with a small statue of Amida Buddha glowing eerily. It’s a nice contrast to the splendour of the main hall."


"Routard p 355 // Temple classé a l’UNESCO, temple important "


"Monastery of Gratitude. ounded by Hōnen (1133–1212), who proclaimed that sentient beings are reborn in Amida Buddha's Western Paradise (Pure Land) by reciting the nembutsu, Amida Buddha's name. The vast compounds of Chion-in include the site where Hōnen settled to disseminate his teachings and the site where he died."


"temple d'envergure impressionante, maid avec de grande section en travaux. Possibilité pour 500 yens de visiter les jardins, trop petit pour le prix. La ou ça devient intéressant, c'est que cacher derrière la grande cloche il y a un chemin pour monter à (je crois) un ancien dojo ou temple. celui-ci se visite pour 500 yens et offre un superbe panorama sur le nord de Kyoto. gratuitement il est possible d'accéder au parking avec des très très beaux panoramas sur l'Ouest et le sud de Kyoto. la balade fait 20-30 min aller"




"Construit en 1234 par Genchi, un disciple du témoin Shōnin Hōnen qui fonda la secte bouddhiste Jōdo. Le temple revêt une importance considér"


"N'a pas l'air foufou p60 TLJ 9h-16h30"


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