Dalston Eastern Curve Garden
Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden Dalston Eastern Curve Garden

Dalston Eastern Curve Garden - Jardin communautaire avec bar, restaurant, parc, café

Le Dalston Eastern Curve Garden est un jardin communautaire situé sur une ancienne voie ferrée. C'est un endroit incroyable avec un bar, un restaurant, un parc et un café. Vous pouvez profiter de boissons et de plats délicieux tout en vous relaxant dans cet espace vert. Que vous souhaitiez déguster un café, un thé, un gâteau, du vin ou de la bière, cet endroit est parfait pour une après-midi détente. Le jardin est ouvert tous les jours de la semaine, toute l'année, offrant une oasis de plantes et de nature en plein cœur de la ville. Rejoignez la communauté dynamique de Hackney dans ce lieu de rassemblement convivial.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Coffee #Park #Café #Garden
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Une adresse calme reposante un jardin de ville, cachée derrière un large enclos, où l’on oublie instantanément que l’on est en plein Londres"


"Espace vert avec potagers et bars en exterieur On a l’impression d’être à la campagne"


"Hidden garden in Dalston - chloe recommended"


"Amazing outdoor pub that is open until 10pm, sit cosy read a book, kids place, smells amazing! Right next to Dalston Junction overground. Went here with Amel, Tes and Florence!"


"Community garden, serves beers on tap and pizza. Really nice place to sit, can bring food in. Best of everything. "


"Outside tables, drinks and food. Bring your own McDs even "


"The bottom of the garden has little bikes and a playhouse. At the top there's a cafe which serves my favourite chai. "


"Jardin asso où tu peux boire un verre dehors"


"Great place for a pint with trees "


"cosy gardens to chill on a sunday afternoon "


"lovely spot to read a book and be in the calm and green"


"Ancienne voie ferrée reconverti en jardin communautaire "


"A true gem. Beautiful space to chill and drink beers or other things in the middle of the trees hidden from the city."


"giardino all'aperto di una comunità di artisti di East London - ci sono reading di poesie e musica live, la sera è molto vivo, fanno anche una discreta pizza open air garden run by an artistic community in East London, with poetry reading, live music and pizza is not too shabby"


"Super cute garden. Can buy pizzas or BYO. Closes at 8"


"Community garden, with lots of picnic tables. You can bring your own food, but drinks have to be bought in place. They have also cakes which look amazing"


"community garden. A bark-chip path winds through plots, patches and picnic tables. If you feel the chill there are water bottles available in the kiosk alongside a seasonal menu. Visitors are welcome to bring their own food but no alcohol"


"Café bucolique et jardin communal aux touches hippies."


"jardin botanique avec des activités culturelles etc "


"Beautiful cosy garden with oven baked pizza, drinks, and blankets "


"Unique oasis, heart-warmingly beautiful Curved gardens serving craft beer, wine, homemade soups and pizza (£6) + hosting a live music stage A community place where to draw beneath tree-top canopy "


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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