The Progress
The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress The Progress
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#Restaurant #Dinner #American #Fancy #Ristorante
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"Side: sweet potatoes Principal: Canard à partager Dessert: rhubarb cake "


"You can’t go wrong with any of the restaurants in the Statebird Provisions empire, but for a romantic dinner you don’t have to plan quite as far in advance, try to nab a table at The Progress. It’s a stunning, high-ceilinged space filled with warm wood, stone, tile, and lush greenery, and the menu balances dishes both decadent and approachable. Start with something fun, like a caviar potato cloud, then move forward with boldly flavored plates of seasonal vegetables such as burrata and scarlet runner beans with beets and horseradish or charred arrowhead cabbage with crispy galangal tofu. Meaty entrees include fried whole trout and barbecue half duck. "


"vegetables, mostly. and a damn good martini"


"Only-in-SF restaurant from a talented couple. Shared dishes, many plant-based, hip crowd. "


"Duck +++, rabbit pasta, dumplings "


"The third and final restaurant to try of the trifecta (state bird, anchovie bar, and the progress). Honestly slightly underwhelming. Great table in a wonderfully decorated restaurant. We shared plates which might’ve been the root of our problem. Majority of the menu is small vegetable dishes while good for some, proved unappetizing to others. I thought the big plates were great: fried rabbit dish and a California fowl. Other than that, did not live to expectations. 7.7/10"


"Similar to State bird. Duck is amazing! "


"One Michelin Star. American. Eater.🇺🇸"


"Muy rico! Hay que reservar. Elegante pero informal. Dicen de pedir entre 5/6 platos, pero con 2 pequeños y 1 grande estábamos llenos."


"américain / 1* guide Michelin "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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