Washington Monument
Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument Washington Monument

Washington Monument - Monument, Musée, Visite, Vue, Parc

Le Washington Monument est un monument emblématique situé à l'extrémité ouest du National Mall à Washington, DC. Construit en l'honneur de George Washington, le premier président des États-Unis, cette tour en forme d'obélisque mesure 169 m de haut. Il est entouré d'un parc magnifique et est proche de nombreux musées importants. Montez en haut de la tour pour profiter d'une vue panoramique imprenable sur la ville. Réservez vos billets à l'avance pour éviter les files d'attente.

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"Washington DC, United States"


"Spider-Man Homecoming and PJO: TTC"


"Possibilité de monter en haut. Réserver le ticket en avance."


"The Washington Monument is situated at the west end of the National Mall in Washington, DC. This landscaped parkland in the middle of the city is home to the U.S. Capitol along with numerous historic monuments and important museums, and is one of the most beautiful of inner city areas. The Washington Memorial, which takes the impressive form of a towering white Egyptian obelisk, is at the far end of an oblong reflecting pool and opposite the Lincoln Memorial. The entire area is of supreme historic importance. George Washington was the first president of the United States and a man of extraordinary moral fiber. He led his country toward freedom from British rule and established precedents that gained him universal admiration. In this respect the Washington Memorial is one of the most important of its kind, and recognizes and remembers one of the great leaders and a true founding father of the United States. In 1833 John Marshall and former president James Madison formed the Washington National Monument Society. Three years later a competition was held to design the monument, and Robert Mills won with his elaborate Neoclassical plan incorporating a circular Doric colonnade topped with an obelisk and an equestrian statue of Washington. His plans bear little relation to the elegant and moving monument of today. His design was costly and work began on the obelisk first. Construction was delayed by the Civil War and lack of funding, and the monument was not finished until thirty years after the death of Mills. Today it remains a simple obelisk, without the intended additions, and is more striking because of this. At 555 feet (169 m), it is the tallest building in Washington, DC, and there is an elevator and a staircase within the monument that ascends to a viewing platform that affords a far-reaching panorama across the city."


"Le monument honorant notre premier président, George Washington, est la plus haute structure de la capitale nationale et culmine à 555 pieds au-dessus du National Mall. Les visiteurs prennent l'ascenseur jusqu'au sommet pour admirer une vue spectaculaire sur la ville. "


"170m de haut, plus haut édifice du District. Il fut construit en deux étapes ce qui explique la différence de couleur de la pierre. Prendre l'ascenseur pour la plateforme panoramique : réserver les billets la veille à 10h pour 1$"


"Le monument le plus connu de Washington. Il est possible de monter en haut (gratuit), billet disponible tôt le matin."


"22/Jul/2009 Paseo y visita al monumento a Washington "


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