Tempura Kondo
Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo Tempura Kondo
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Tempura #Japonais #Ristorante #Michelin
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Noté 4,4/5 sur 700 avis Un peu plus cher Les meilleurs tempura de légumes de Tokyo: les carotes sont coupées en fine julienne, le mais est juteux et la patate douce succulente. les menus comprennent aussi des produits de la mer. Déjeuner a midi ou 13h30. Dernière réservation pour le diner a 20h. Réservez."




"Tempura. Hay que reservar. LP "


"Spécialité de tempura Réserver "


"Verdure e pesce in tempura buonissimi."


"Fumio Kondo n'a pas son pareil à Tokyo pour les tempura de légumes. Les carottes sont coupées en très fine julienne, le maïs est ferme et juteux et la patate douce, succulente. Les assortiments comprennent aussi des fruits de mer. Deux services (12h et 13h30). Dernière réservation pour le diner à 20h. réservez tôt !"


"meilleures tempuras de tokyo 100$ le menu du soir et 60$ à midi resa longtemps à l’avance obligatoire"


"“Kondo”, a synonym of Tempura, receives two stars from Michelin Guide Tokyo Kondo has consecutively garnered two-star ratings form “Michelin Guide Tokyo” since its initial publication. Fumio Kondo, a 70 year-old owner, is the top Tempura chef in Japan. He is also active in TV shows to explore new possibilities of the realm of Tempura. Kondo never ceases to try a new challenge against traditional Tempura for further evolution of Tempura. “Tempura is a steamed dish and locked-in moisture is evaporated to create delicate flavor which no other dishes can match”, he says. While Tempura in the Edo period was served as a simple dish of frying fresh fish from offshore Edo city, Kondo introduced such ingredients as asparagus, carrots and fresh vegetable to evolve it into a new level. His customers actually see Japanese seasonal vegetable make light and non-oily Tempura. Kondo visits the market himself to select the ingredients, and speaks to growers and farmers to maintain the quality of the dish he serves. The pinnacle of Tempura that the world is fell in love. The chef knows everything about ingredients he cooks. You will for sure enjoy his Tempura that could not be fried better anywhere. Tempura Kondo is ready when you are."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
certified badge Sean Glass

Sean Glass


3154followers 3288places
"“Kondo”, a synonym of Tempura, receives two stars from Michelin Guide Tokyo Kondo has consecutively garnered two-star ratings form “Mich..."
certified badge TOKYO THE 50 BEST RESTAURANTS 2018 for Adults



2401followers 48places
"“Kondo”, a synonym of Tempura, receives two stars from Michelin Guide Tokyo Kondo has consecutively garnered two-star ratings form “Michelin Guide Tokyo” since its initial publication. Fumio Kondo, a 70 year-old owner, is the top Tempura chef in Japan. He is also active in TV shows to explore new possibilities of the realm of Tempura. Kondo never ceases to try a new challenge against traditional Tempura for further evolution of Tempura. “Tempura is a steamed dish and locked-in moisture is evaporated to create delicate flavor which no other dishes can match”, he says. While Tempura in the Edo period was served as a simple dish of frying fresh fish from offshore Edo city, Kondo introduced such ingredients as asparagus, carrots and fresh vegetable to evolve it into a new level. His customers actually see Japanese seasonal vegetable make light and non-oily Tempura. Kondo visits the market himself to select the ingredients, and speaks to growers and farmers to maintain the quality of the dish he serves. The pinnacle of Tempura that the world is fell in love. The chef knows everything about ingredients he cooks. You will for sure enjoy his Tempura that could not be fried better anywhere. Tempura Kondo is ready when you are."
certified badge 東京 大人のための 極上レストラン50選 2018年版

東京 大人のための 極上レストラン50選 2018年版


206followers 50places
"日本のてんぷらの代表格「近藤」。 後味すっきりの二つ星に輝く技。 「ミシュラン東京」発刊以来、星を取り続けるてんぷらの名店。今年70歳を迎える店主・近藤文夫氏は、テレビでも活躍するてんぷら業界の第一人者だ。銀座で26年続く店の味を守り続ける。  日本のてんぷらの進化を先導してきた近藤氏。「てんぷらは蒸しもの。素材の中の水分が水蒸気となって、熱を通し旨みを引き出します。これはてんぷらでしか成し得ない味わいだと思っています」。江戸前の魚が素材の中心だったてんぷらに、旬の野菜を使うことを考案した。薄衣に包まれたアスパラや人参、さつまいもなどのみずみずしい野菜。日本の四季の素材がカラッと後味すっきりのてんぷらに仕上がる。  近藤氏は、現在でも毎朝河岸に出掛け、仕込みを行い、生産者の所にも足を運ぶ。自身の目で素材を見て選び、状態により揚げ具合を調整。油の音を聞き分けながらてんぷらの状態を判断する。世界中で愛されるてんぷらはもてなしの極致。素材を知りつくした匠の技が繰り出すてんぷらの、揚げたての醍醐味をカウンター席で楽しみたい。 "
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