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351 utilisateurs

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#Shopping #Kyoto #Boutique #Couteaux #Shop
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"COLTELLI (prezzi da 10000Y) Fondato nel 1560"


"While you’re in Nishiki Market, have a look at this store – it has some of the best kitchen knives in the world. Choose your knife – all-rounder, sushi, vegetable – and the staff will show you how to care for it before sharpening and boxing it up. You can also have your name engraved in English or Japanese. Knives start at around ¥10,000. Founded in 1560, Aritsugu was originally involved in the production of swords and the blacksmith skills have been passed down over the years through generation after generation. It also carries a selection of excellent and unique Japanese kitchenware and whetstones for knife sharpening."


"While you’re in Nishiki Market, have a look at this store – it has some of the best kitchen knives in the world. Choose your knife – all-rounder, sushi, vegetable – and the staff will show you how to care for it before sharpening and boxing it up. You can also have your name engraved in English or Japanese. Knives start at around ¥10,000. Founded in 1560, Aritsugu was originally involved in the production of swords and the blacksmith skills have been passed down over the years through generation after generation. It also carries a selection of excellent and unique Japanese kitchenware and whetstones for knife sharpening."


"Boutique de couteaux, les meilleurs du monde. A partir de 10.000 JPY. Possibilité de les faire graver."


"Les meilleurs couteaux japonais. Au coeur du marché couvert de Nishiki, cette coutellerie d’exception forge des lames depuis 1560. Les samouraïs s’y fournissaient au temps de leur splendeur. Aujourd’hui, les nombreux couteaux ornant les étals servent essentiellement à cuisiner. On touche ici à un objet d’art exceptionnel, qu’il est possible de personnaliser en y faisant graver son nom."


"Couteaux à partir de 50-60€"


"9h-17h30 p52 Préférer Osaka ?"


"Old knifeshop, English speaking!"


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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Place around image No name ramen shop Japon, 〒604-8005 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, Nakagyō-ku, Ebisuchō, 534−31 CEO木屋町ビルB1" B1 Ajouté par52 utilisateurs
Place around image Hotel Resol Kyoto Kawaramachi Sanjo Japon, 〒604-8031 Kyōto-fu, Kyōto-shi, Nakagyō-ku, Daikokuchō (Kawaramachidōri), 中京区河原町通 三条下る大黒町59-1 Ajouté par67 utilisateurs
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