The Ivy Asia St Paul's

The Ivy Asia St Paul's - Restaurant Asiatique et Bar Ristorante

The Ivy Asia St Paul's est un restaurant asiatique et bar ristorante situé à Londres. Avec son cadre magnifique et son service au top, c'est l'endroit idéal pour une expérience culinaire inoubliable. Le menu propose une sélection de plats asiatiques, allant des sushis aux dumplings en passant par le black cod. Vous pourrez également déguster de délicieux cocktails et profiter de la vue imprenable sur Saint Paul depuis la fenêtre géante. Réservez à l'avance pour garantir votre place dans ce restaurant luxueux. Que vous soyez un amateur de cuisine asiatique ou simplement à la recherche d'un endroit élégant pour dîner, The Ivy Asia St Paul's ne vous décevra pas.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Asian #Asiatique #Ristorante #Japanese
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Cherry blossom afternoon tea"


"Japanese artworks panelled everywhere Pink floor Pink cherry blossom "


"Beautiful location, especially at night. Great view, very delicious Asian fusion cuisine. Fancy and stylish,"


"L’Ivy porta un po’ di animazione notturna in questa zona della City con un DJ che si esibisce ogni sera, un ampio assortimento di whisky giapponesi e piatti straordinari come i ravioli al tartufo nero impreziositi da lamine d’oro. Il pavimento verde brillante è fatto di pietre semipreziose, e attraverso le vetrate si può ammirare la St Paul’s Cathedral. Propone anche un eccellente afternoon tea di ispirazione asiatica"


"Ristorante asiatico scelta vegetariana e bella vista "


"Great sushi very cool interior "


"Cadre magnifique, un service au top !"


"Defo go for the vibe and pretty views but I wouldn’t go for the food even though it was a lovely meal"


"Tellement bon !!!! Par contre coûte un bras (70/80 pounds par personne si tu manges bcp - entrees, plat, dessert)"


"Beautiful on the inside and great food! Also one in Chelsea"


"One of the most remarkable food experiences in London. Food is amazing but that’s not only it, it’s also how beautiful the restaurant is, how cool is the ambiance, and how amazing are the views since the giant window faces directly St. Paul’s and you can’t take your eyes out of the majestic dome. The menu is comprised of different dishes across different Asian cuisines and it’s incredibly cozy and good, all the comfort The Ivy has in their traditional restaurants you can have it served for a completely different kind of cuisine. Desserts aren’t their strong suit, although the donuts and the samurai and good for a final sweet craving. The entire menu is excellent, but I have my very own pool of favorites. I recommend: 1) Pork and Kimchi mandu🔥 2) Dry-aged bone-in bbq rib-eye 3) Duck massaman curry 4) Slow cooked pork belly🔥 5) Ivy Asia roll yuzu koshu 6) Ivy volcano roll (fatty tuna and black truffle)🔥 7) Spicy shrimp tempura 8) Crispy duck salad🔥 9) Seared wagyu beef bbq glazed roll🔥 10) Crispy garlic sautéed noodles🔥"


"Pretty apparently good food"


"Beautiful restaurant and outstanding food! "


"Resto jap à réserver / décor à l’air ouf !!!"


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