Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan
Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan Mercado del Carmen Coyoacan
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Marché #Market #Shopping #Mexican
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"« Look for all the yellow: yellow tables, yellow signs, yellow stools and staff in yellow shirts. This is Tostadas Coyoacán. There are over a dozen tostado (deep fried tortilla) toppings to choose from, such as ceviche, chicken mole, pork and plenty of vegetarian options, too. »"


"Similar to Redding terminal. Good place for souvenirs. Had the best huevos rancheros at one of the stalls. Park with lots of art for sale across the street. Rec doing this before/after Friday kahlo museum. "


"marché typique, bon marché plein d'étals pour grignoter "


"« Look for all the yellow: yellow tables, yellow signs, yellow stools and staff in yellow shirts. This is Tostadas Coyoacán. There are over a dozen tostado (deep fried tortilla) toppings to choose from, such as ceviche, chicken mole, pork and plenty of vegetarian options, too. »"


"pour manger les quesadillas de queso fritent et pleins de bonnes choses. flâner dans les rues canons"


"DeAca restaurante prehispánico "


"marché miam aller a tostades de coyoacan stands 181-182"


"Food, art, apparel, souvenirs "




"Cheap traditional breakfast/lunch, also have craft beers 0800-1800"


"recomendation from isa‘s colleague"


"Petites échoppes ou manger d’excellents tacos à prix maudits "


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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