Scarfes Bar
Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar Scarfes Bar

Scarfes Bar - Bar à cocktails et restaurant dans l'hôtel Rosewood

Scarfes Bar est un bar à cocktails et restaurant situé dans l'hôtel Rosewood à Londres. C'est l'endroit idéal pour déguster des cocktails d'auteur et des plats raffinés tout en profitant d'une ambiance britannique chaleureuse. Le bar propose une sélection de délicieux cocktails préparés par des mixologues talentueux. Vous pourrez également vous détendre près du feu de cheminée et apprécier la musique live qui est jouée tous les soirs. Que vous cherchiez un endroit pour un rendez-vous romantique ou simplement pour passer une soirée agréable entre amis, Scarfes Bar est l'endroit parfait. Venez découvrir ce bar à cocktails unique et laissez-vous séduire par son atmosphère élégante et son service de qualité.

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958 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Cocktails #Cocktail #Drinks #Restaurant #Hotel
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Hotel bar. Pricey cocktails. Live music Tuesday and Friday (at least). Great London vibe for visitors"


"Very fancy hotel bar. Live music "


"Bar hotel Rosewood. Plein de livres"


"#41 and best hotel bar # 1 international hotel bar"


"Lyxig jazz bar! Ebba tips "


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects the history of the building while exuding something altogether more stylish and contemporary."


"No. 31 on the Top 500 Bars List 2021"


"Nice and classy place to visit! Good vibe to chill 😎 "


"A sublime hotel bar where you can enjoy live jazzy concerts 🎹 While enjoying author's cocktails and well-crafted small plates 🍸 The perfect setting for a romantic date!"


"Expensive but looks cool inside "


"Gentleman’s club vine, personalised cocktails "


"Most evenings has live music. Apparently 50s-era jazz"


"bar jazz super old fashioned et autres cocktails assez cher figer food"


"No. 41 Worlds 100 Best Bars 2023 No 54 Worlds 100 best bars 2020 "


"Bar at The Rosewood Hotel Holborn "


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects the history of the building while exuding something altogether more stylish and contemporary."


"Musique live 7 soirs par semaine."


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects the history of the building while exuding something altogether more stylish and contemporary."


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects the history of the building while exuding something altogether more stylish and contemporary."


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects the history of the building while exuding something altogether more stylish and contemporary."


"Creative cocktails meet live jazz in a sophisticated drawing room"


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects..."


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects..."


"The old Chancery Court Hotel has been lavishly made over as the Rosewood, a deeply handsome space in the heart of Holborn which reflects..."


"Creative cocktails with literary theme, exquisitely executed."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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