Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde
Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskilde
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"Intorno all’anno 1000, nel fiordo di Roskilde vennero affondati cinque vascelli vichinghi su cui poi vennero accatastate una gran quantità di pietre al fine di impedire la navigazione nel fiordo, presumibilmente per proteggere la città dalle incursioni dei pirati. Foto: Martin Heiberg - Copenhagen Media Center Foto: Martin Heiberg – Copenhagen Media Center Le imbarcazioni (denominate Skuldelev), recuperate (1962) e pazientemente ricomposte nella Sala delle Navi vichinghe del Museo, creato sulla riva del fiordo appositamente per ospitarle, sono interessanti soprattutto per la loro tipologia che va dal cargo alla nave da guerra, compreso l’unico knarr (imbarcazione utilizzata per scopi commerciali) mai recuperato integro. Di fronte al Museo si trova il Museumsø, un’isoletta su cui sono ormeggiate alcune navi realizzate sulla base delle originali imbarcazioni e dove i visitatori possono osservare come si costruisce una nave vichinga seguendo le stesse tecniche utilizzate oltre mille anni fa da quel popolo di grandi navigatori. In estate, il Museo organizza brevi escursioni a bordo di tipiche imbarcazioni nordiche dove, grandi e piccini a cui spetta condurle, come se fossero veri pirati possono sognare fantastiche avventure alla ricerca di tesori nascosti."


"À roskilde ancienne capitale au fond d'un fjord "


"Viking ship museum (open since 1969, will be reconstructed). 2026 : Fait avec Papa, Maman, Clémence et Maxime 19/05/23 : Done with Alexis 🚶‍♂️Guided tour every day at 11 am (in English) and 1 pm (scheduled in Danish but can be in English is everyone is ok) 📆 The Viking age is roughly from the 8th century to 11th century (approx. 750 - end around 1066) 🚤 5 Vikings ships were found in Roskilde Fjord (they were sunken with stones) : ● A trading ship ● A warship (snekke) : thinner, with recycable low materials ship parts, carved decorations ● A longship, a big warship ● A big ocean-going trader (knarr) which is a cargo ship ● A mystery boat (purpose?) ⚒️ Reconstruction project : during the years, the boatbuilders have built reconstructions of the 5 original ships exhibited in the Viking Ship Hall, as well as many other boats. As far as possible, the boatbuilders use reconstructions of Viking Age tools when building Viking ships. It takes a bit of time : 4-5 years for a bit, with 9 boatbuilders (way longer than the Vikings who could build them in a winter). 🔨 One of the difference is the use of wooden rivet (sort of big nails) instead of iron rivet. Indeed, they tried with iron rivets but it was getting rotten over the years, damaging the boats. Maybe because the iron nowadays is different, maybe because the composition of the water of the sea if different (more pollution) ? 👩‍🏫 They build the boats to learn more about the sailing ability and to test different theories. See and read more :"


"You can also drive viking ships in the Island museum"




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