Chiufen Old Street
Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street Chiufen Old Street
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"Spirited away inspo street"


"Città di ispirazione alla Città Incantata "


"Village qui a inspiré le voyage de Chihiro"


"Könnte wohl die Inspiration für Spirited Away gewesen sein: Jiufen Taiwan"


"Petite ville dans les montagnes. Plein de lanternes la nuit. Plusieurs jolis temples à proximité. A inspiré les décors du « Voyage de Shihiro » "


"Spirited Away lookalike village, very touristic (pretty crowded), though nice to walk through, with very beautiful view on the ocean and whereabouts (mountains)"


"Waterfalls ? Not sure it’s here"


"- 45 min via uber from Taipei - shoppin for taiwanese souvenirs"


"Jiufen, first built by the Japanese as an old gold-mining town, but is renowned today as a popular day trip destination from nearby Taipei. Tourists come specially for a glimpse of the Japanese-influenced architecture, which was also an inspiration for Hayao Miyazaki's whimsical film, Spirited Away."


"inspiration du voyage de chihiro"

"Village qui a inspiré « le voyage de chihiro »"


"Conseillé par National Geographics pour son côté Voyage de Chihiro. À 90 minutes de bus de Taipei, capitale de Taïwan"




"Narrow alleyways packed with teahouses, street-food shacks and souvenir shops. Usually crowded but really pretty with tasty street food. Often (wrongly?) credited to be the inspiration for Spirited Away."


"Crowded place but good atmosphere and vibes. Feel like we jumped backwards in the past centuries."


"Village qui a inspiré Le Voyage de Chihiro"


"Village qui a inspiré le voyage de Chihiro "


"Buenas vistas, pueblo chulo"


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