New Museum
New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum New Museum

New Museum - Musée d'art contemporain à Manhattan

Le New Museum est un musée d'art contemporain situé à Manhattan, dans un bâtiment conçu par les architectes Kazuyo Sejima et Ryue Nishizawa/SANAA. Ouvert en décembre 2007, le musée est un bel immeuble qui ressemble à un emboîtement de cubes blancs, drapé d'une maille métallique, telle une peau aux tonalités changeantes. Le lieu fourmille d’œuvres d'art contemporain et propose une programmation éclectique et émergente. Profitez de la vue imprenable depuis le toit et des visites guidées gratuites de 45 minutes tous les jours à 3pm et 12:30pm les jeudis, samedis et dimanches. Le musée est fermé le lundi. L'entrée est gratuite le jeudi de 19h à 21h et coûte 18$ pour les adultes. Le New Museum est l'un des meilleurs musées d'art contemporain de par sa réputation internationale et sa programmation. Ne manquez pas de découvrir ce musée incontournable de la scène artistique new-yorkaise !

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"From the outside, this striking architectural silhouette on the Bowery appears to be a giant stack of shifting metal boxes. But it's this museum's out of the box approach to art that is both cutting edge and cool. Think of it as a museum mixed with an alternative art space, always embracing the new but with a curatorial eye. The location itself is key. Right in the heart of the Lower East Side art gallery scene, the New Museum lives up to its name as a global touchstone for 21st-century art. They take chances here with a schedule of exhibitions that are fresh and fearless showing art that at first makes you scratch your head and later realize its importance. Examples include the exhibition, "The Keeper," where the idea of obsessive collecting was fleshed out and filled the museum with 3,000 family album photos of people posing with teddy bears, all collected by one woman. Or the Pixel Forest exhibition by Swiss artist Pipilotti Rist (see ch. 54), with its immersive video, light, and music environments that transported visitors into an imaginary world. Works at this museum can swing between the glorious, the curious, and the confusing. And that's their mission: to hold a mirror up to today's artists and reflect it back to all of us. Pushing boundaries is part of the plan. Especially strong is the museum's extensive Digital Archive, a living diary of the institution. You can access thousands of images and videos, including exhibitions, performances, and artist interviews. And while the Whitney Museum has the famed Biennial exhibition for American art, the New Museum hosts the Triennial, a sampling of the best new art from around the world. Don't miss the New Museum Store, a highly original shop inside the light-filled lobby. You can find cheeky snow globes, clocks, coast-ers, and bags sometimes designed by the very artists shown in the museum."


"Gangster museum focusing on organised crime, includes a tour of a historic speakeasy in the East Village"


"Meilleur musée à faire à New York"


"MCA reciprocal privileges "


"“Judy Chicago: herstory at New Museum” (1960s minimalist 1970s feminist)"


"Musée d'art contemporain Archi : sanaa (kazuyo sejima et ryue nishizawa)"


"Pay what you wish Thursdays 7-9pm"


"$18 admission hidden set of stairs connects 3rd and 4th floor gallery. good for photos "


"It's not often that an art space has much in common with a trash can but this building is clad in an aluminium mesh not dissimilar to the city's garbage bins. When SANAA's design - a wonky stack of silvery volumes piled seven storeys high - was unveiled, it looked delightful yet impossible, not to mention improbable, given its location on a street of shelters for the homeless. But what had seemed so alien in 2007 looks less out of place now Bowery is rife with hip haunts. The institution was founded in 1977 by former Whitney curator Marcia Tucker to bring 'art made within approximately 10 years prior to the present' into the public sphere. It celebrated its 40th by reinstalling Bruce Nauman's iconic 1987 'Clown Torture video No, No New Museum in the window. 235 Bowery, T212 219 1222,"


"It's not often that an art space has much in common with a trash can but this building is clad in an aluminium mesh not dissimilar to the city's garbage bins. When SANAA's design - a wonky stack of silvery volumes piled seven storeys high - was unveiled, it looked delightful yet impossible, not to mention improbable, given its location on a street of shelters for the homeless. But what had seemed so alien in 2007 looks less out of place now Bowery is rife with hip haunts. The institution was founded in 1977 by former Whitney curator Marcia Tucker to bring 'art made within approximately 10 years prior to the present' into the public sphere. It celebrated its 40th by reinstalling Bruce Nauman's iconic 1987 'Clown Torture video No, No New Museum in the window. 235 Bowery, T212 219 1222,"


"Pay what you wish 7-9 p.m. every Thursday. Timed tkts req. Contemporary, new ideas; Current exhibit is Wangechi Mutu She had a special exhibit at Storm King last fall, very cool."


"Bâtiment de Sanaa, pas ouf mais super vue au dernier étage. Entrée en Pay as you wish (on peut mettre 1$) le jeudi à partir de 19h, billets à réserver sur internet. Ça vaut le coup pour 1$ mais pas pour 15."


"Donnerstags lange auf und ab 7:00 pm for free."


"Kinda cool - very new wave artsy "


"Gratuit le jeudi de 19h à 21h"


"Recommandé livre 300 raisons d'aimer NY p.68"


"that new new 👆@becdorothy. 🎃"


"More information in the Everyman New York MapGuide 2020! The Everyman MapGuide to New York can be found in your nearest bookshop or ordered online"


"Plus d'infos dans le Cartoville New York 2020 (Quartier C) ! Commandez le guide ici :"


"Gratuit le jeudi de 19h à 21h "


"Pay what you wish on Thursday night between 7-9pm."


"Manhattan's only dedicated contemporary art museum with an international reputation"


"pay as you wish thursdays 7-9p"


"Gratuit le jeudi soir entre 19h et 21h"


"Entrée sur don jeudi soir "


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