Hayato Hayato Hayato
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#Restaurant #Japanese #Sushi #Japonais #🇯🇵
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"2 Michelin stars 2024 #3 Best Restaurant by LA Time in 2023 With only one seating per night, this is the kind of destination where a handful of lucky diners are privy to an exemplary culinary spectacle. Many of the courses begin with ingredients that are attractively arranged, then finished before your eyes, and presented by Chef Brandon Hayato Go with detailed explanations. To kick off the kaiseki, the chef serves a small bite, or sakizuke, like chilled, charred eggplant with ginger and dashi. From there, it's a seasonal celebration artistically arranged on vintage Japanese pottery and porcelain collected by the chef. Local corn and sea scallops is transformed into kakiage; bonito is lightly smoked over rice bran straw; and miso-glazed black cod is folded into a luscious rice pot to conclude the meal."


"Downtown L.A. Japanese $$$$ Reservation I consider the reasons against naming Brandon Hayato Go’s tiny tasting-menu restaurant No. 1 on this list. The cost is $350 per person, without taking into account the deep, persuasive list of sakes and Champagnes. And Go serves only 35 customers a week; a reservation means phone alarms, compulsive browser refreshing and longed-for cancellation notifications. Few will have the opportunity to enjoy his food. And yet, if I’m asked to pinpoint the single most transcendent dining experience in Los Angeles — the restaurant that meets, even exceeds, its own impossible aspirations — this is the place. There is no fourth wall at Hayato. With seven diners seated along a cedar counter, Go and his small crew stay in continuous motion for several hours, composing more than a dozen courses. Washoku (a broad term for traditional Japanese cooking) and kappo ryori (in which the chef prepares a series of refined plates in front of the customer) inform his style of cooking. The meal’s structure loosely follows kaiseki, emphasizing varied cooking techniques served in ceremonial order. Whether Go has bound together scallops and corn in the laciest summertime tempura or steamed the sweetest fall Hokkaido crab, whether he’s grilled rockfish and lotus root to a smoky copper sheen or presented a lacquered bowl of dashi with an orb of shrimp that’s equal parts snap and silk, the quality of the seafood is profound. Go began working at his father’s sushi restaurant in Seal Beach when he was 15. He’s been cooking in front of people for nearly 30 years. He can be at once immersed in his tasks and disarmingly relaxed. He tells funny travel stories; people lob out random questions about his favorite places to eat in Los Angeles. Bottles of wine may be shared among customers who arrived as strangers. By the time there are seconds (or thirds) of black cod and rice, followed by muskmelon and matcha for dessert, the group can be almost slaphappy from elation. It’s happened at each of my handful of meals at Hayato, this dinner-party-of-the-gods moment Go creates without forcing or staging a mood. I drift into the night always with the same feeling: That was some serious food, but that was also a seriously fun evening."


"Abalone, Crab Meatball Soup"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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101 Best restaurants of Los Angeles


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"#8 The latest world-class dining experience in Los Angeles is a signless, seven-seat restaurant, all but anonymous among the concrete gorges of the Row DTLA complex. For three hours, aided by a few chefs who dash in and out of sight, Brandon Hayato Go stands at the restaurant’s central counter, wielding chopsticks and knives to compose dishes of profound beauty. He pulls inspiration from the canonical structure of kaiseki, emphasizing a blur of different cooking techniques (fried, simmered, grilled and so on); he also takes exhilarating liberties with the form. A dinner of 10 to 12 courses will segue through sushi and sashimi; pairings of seafood and vegetables in weightless tempura; and nabe, or hot pot, filled perhaps with crab, nappa cabbage and shiitake mushrooms. By the last savory course — rice and fish donabe served in a copper pot, made with second or third helpings in mind — diners are often peppering Go with questions, nearly silly from the elation of an astounding meal. Reservations for Hayato become available at 10 a.m. on the first of the month for the following month’s seatings. They are the stuff of smartphone alarms and hoped-for cancellations. Would-be solo diners may have the easiest time snagging the odd seventh seat. On Fridays and Saturdays, Go also assembles a small number of $50 lunchtime bento boxes that require an online reservation. They’re nearly as difficult to score as a dinner booking, but persevere. They contain over a dozen meticulous morsels: shrimp dumplings, slices of rolled omelet, miso-infused cod, blocks of snow crab tofu, pickled vegetables, seared duck breast. In small bites, as with long meals, Go achieves glory. Beer, wine and sake. Lot parking. Credit cards accepted."
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