纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre)
纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre) 纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre)

纽顿圆环美食中心(Newton Circus Food Centre)

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#Restaurant #Food court #Hawker #Asiatique #Market
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" ◦ *Char Kway Teow (fried, flat noodles in soy sauce - top 5 favs) ◦ Chicken Rice ◦ Nasi Lemak (fried coconut rice - top 5 favs) ◦ *Zhui Kueh (steamed rice cake with chopped up salted preserved veg on top - top 5 favs) ◦ *Chai Tau Kueh (also known as Carrot Cake, this is SAVOURY, and is fried with egg and this special veg turnip thing that makes it SO yum. There’s a white and a black version - essentially with/without soy sauce - and they’re v different. Would recommend both!!! - top 5 favs) ◦ Roast duck rice/noodles ◦ You tiao ((pronounced yo tee-ow) a good snack. Basically fried dough, kind of like the Chinese doughnut I guess) ◦ Roti Prata (Indian pancake, eaten with curry, literally the best thing, bring it frozen back to UK as comfort/hangover food) ◦ Ba Zhanrg (rice dumpling with pork inside - top 5 favs) ◦ *Laksa "


"SEAFOOD ! laksa (spicy coconut noodle soup) satay (spiced skewers with peanut sauce) ice kachang (shaved ice) !!! fresh-off-the-griddle oyster omelette sugarcane juice Hup Kee Fried Oyster Omelette (#01-73 / di-za 18u00-middernacht) => crispy-edged, juicy oyster omelette with a dipping sauce of garlic-accented chili Guan Kee Seafood (#01-53 / 11u00-middernacht) => sambal stingray ! … Bee Heng Popiah and Satay Newton (#01-12 / middag-middernacht) => popiah (fresh Teochew-style spring roll filled with stewed turnip)"


"Food Center mit kleinen lokalen Essständen. Eines der grössten Food Centers in Singapur. Saté Spiesse probieren."


"Featured in Crazy Rich Asian! Heng Heng BBQ: stingray, tiger prawns, grilled lobster, chili crab, salted egg crab, la la Newton Old Signboard 25: Hokkien mee Hajah Monah Kitchen & Jauriah Nasi Padang: Halal Nasi Padang "


"30.07.22 Alex, Julian, Julien, John, Chris, Thierry, Pau | Perfect dinner out with friends | You can try all kitchens of Asia in one place "


"110722-150722 A pleasant Singapore street food where has a lot of dish types with cheapest price - chilli crab with fried bun is excellent"


"très bon foodcourt, prix plus chers que d'hab mais pas cher pour le quartier a goûter : bbq stingray + butter chicken de Indian palace "


"Satay, duck rice, pepper beef, kway teow. Water chestnut drink, sugarcane, lemon tea, honey lemon "


"Énorme Hawker sympa avec beaucoup de stalls de fruits de mer, un peu attrape-touriste. - A éviter le weekend car bondé, et a éviter quand il pleut car places non couvertes. Sinon, les stalls à essayer : - 28 avec le Fried Oyster Omelette qui est vraiment pas mal - 33 (TKR) avec les ailes de poulet et les brochettes de satay, pas mal du tout - 31 et 27 pour le seafood genre Chilli Crab (mais très cher)"


"popular night-time hawker center with great seafood"


"Very touristic food court from "Crazy Rich Asian" with loads of seafood. Get some crabs (at least $40 for 1 crab to share between 2 people and to eat with plastic gloves). Reco : the Michelin stall, with the huge tubby Michelin "


"• Food Court • Food Center • Large Choix • Prix attractifs • Lieu en Extérieur • Agréable "


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