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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Sandwich #Sandwiches #American #Food
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"The purported inventor of the French dip more than a century ago, Philippe the Original makes everything feel like time hasn’t passed, with sawdust floors, old-timer servers who prepare sandwiches to order, and coffee that’s payable in pennies. The beef double-dip is what aficionados get, with a heavy dose of salty jus and tender slices of roast beef with a few dabs of the famous spicy mustard to round it out. Others opt for a similar version with sliced lamb."


"Foodies 1st The Best Sandwiches In Every State And Where To Find Them; French dip "


"Cafeteria with delicious sandwiches "


"Pastrami sandwich or French dip"


"French Dip Sandwich Moins de 15$"


"Taste the French dip sandwich 🥪 Pain trempé dans du jus de viande 🤤"


"(Pronounced Phil-ee-pee) Per Roadfood, Legendary. Birthplace of the French dip sandwich. Cecilia might enjoy that connoisseurs add their "roaring hot mustard (available for sale in jars by the cash register)." Sawdust on floor and coffee is 9¢ a cup."


"The best sandwich in LA. Philippe’s “French Dipped Sandwich” is the specialty of the house and consists of either roast beef, roast pork, leg of lamb, turkey, pastrami or ham served on a lightly textured, freshly baked French roll which has been dipped in the natural gravy of the roasts. Swiss, American, Cheddar, Monterey Jack or Blue cheese may be added."


"French dip and pickled eggs"


"A goûter absolument : French Dipped Sandwich"


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