Zona Arqueológica de Cholula
Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula Zona Arqueológica de Cholula
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"To visit pyramid and at the top a church"


"Welcome to the Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl for "made-by-hand mountain"). There is many stories about this pyramid and a lot of history to tell so let's get into it: Thanks to the brush and grasses that had overgrown its walls, the largest man-made pyramid in the world has been mistaken for a hill for a while. Originally constructed over 2000 years ago, the Great Pyramid of Tepanapa (often referred to the Pyramid of Cholula) boasts a larger volume than any other ancient, man-made structure including the Egyptian pyramids. This makes it the largest archaeological site of a pyramid (temple), as well as the largest pyramid by volume known to exist. During the many pre-Columbian power shifts in Mexico, the pyramid itself fell out of use in favor of other structures, such as one of the many sacrificial altars on the site. It is unclear whether it was through disuse that the pyramid became overgrown, or if, when the Aztecs caught wind of the impending Spanish arrival, the Cholulans literally buried the pyramid in communal effort to preserve the massive temple, an important piece of their culture. Either way, when the Spanish arrived at Cholula in 1519, Cortes and his men were so occupied with the decimation of the indigenous people and their more conspicuous holy sites that they failed to recognize the pyramid as such, instead thinking it the perfect hill site for one of their countless new churches! Within the year, La Iglesia de los Remedios was constructed, where it remains to this day. As the dirt began to fall away, the pyramid revealed itself to archeologists, who have excavated the pyramid’s stairways, platforms, altars, and over five miles of tunnels snaking through the structure’s innards. The site and its network of tunnels are open to visitors but we don't really recommend you to pay money for that. The largest part of the pyramid is under the surface and the tunnels are not to spectacular. We rather suggest you to make your way up to Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios and enjoy the incredible view. You find more information at the marked point. "


"Ce ne sont plus des ruines qu'une véritable pyramide comme à Teotihuacan, ne vous attendez pas à ça. Néanmoins sympa à visiter pour 85 pesos"


"Really good archeological zone"


"Belle église construite sur d’anciennes ruines de pyramides"


"Good point of view, iconic place of cholula"


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