Books Are Magic
Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic Books Are Magic
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315 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Shopping #Bookstore #Librairie #Books #Bookshop
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Libreria bellissima!! Pare appartenga ad una scrittrice"


"BOOKS ARE MAGIC When beloved BookCourt shut- tered in 2016, novelist Emma Straub saved nearby booklovers with this new Cobble Hill favorite. 225 Smith St. What’s better than a bookstore that is owned by an author? If anybody understands the amazing things a bookstore offers a community, it’s the one who is writing the books! Books are Magic is owned by Emma Straub, the author of great fiction like Modern Lovers and The Vacationers. She and her husband, who also live in the neighborhood, created a literary slice of heaven with Books are Magic. The store is spacious, has a ton of cool author events, and also has a really awesome mural outside for all you #bookstagrammers out there."


"BOOKS ARE MAGIC When beloved BookCourt shut- tered in 2016, novelist Emma Straub saved nearby booklovers with this new Cobble Hill favorite. 225 Smith St. What’s better than a bookstore that is owned by an author? If anybody understands the amazing things a bookstore offers a community, it’s the one who is writing the books! Books are Magic is owned by Emma Straub, the author of great fiction like Modern Lovers and The Vacationers. She and her husband, who also live in the neighborhood, created a literary slice of heaven with Books are Magic. The store is spacious, has a ton of cool author events, and also has a really awesome mural outside for all you #bookstagrammers out there."


"As seen on CBS Mornings w/Oliver Jeffers, 10-7- 2022"


"This local bookstore offers a range of interesting & hard-to-find books, plus readings by authors."


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