Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana
Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana
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"Best Pizza 2023 Top New Haven Restaurants 2024"


"All Star Best Thing I Ever Ate"


"Yummy 96 year old Pizzaria 🍕 in New Haven CT"


"Lyle lover’s favorite pizza"


"Roadtrip PVD -> NY pizza stop; margherita, pepperoni, sausage and mashed potato pies "


"Per Roadfood, Legendary. "The greatest (and original) of the pizzerias on Wooster St." Coal-fired ovens. Various locations. For CT, Huffington Post's list of the one thing you must do in each state chose ordering the white clam pizza here. named intone on top 33 pizzas in US. They recommend The White Clam Pie."


"Ya know it was not my favorite. Cheese pie - shoulda been no cheese - nice thin crust but am now confused about what New Haven pizza really is."


"Outstanding white clam pizza and original tomato pie from a charming part of new haven"


"Lunch or dinner. Sorry, no reservations. You’re going to want the one in the back parking lot, called “The Spot”. But the one off the street is good as well. The Spot has the ORIGINAL coal ovens. - Steve Cheng, NEOCON "


"New Haven - or dare I say, National - treasure."


"Best pizza in the world! Seasonal tomato pie is amazing, white clam Isn’t my first choice. Always busy "


"Voted best pizza in the USA according to This is the original location. Frank Pepe Pizzeria Napoletana is a household name for pizza buffs everywhere. The New Haven-based pizzeria is famous for its signature coal-fired White Clam Pizza featuring fresh clams, grated pecorino romano, garlic, oregano and olive oil. Get a taste at any location in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New York. Not only is Frank Pepe’s the top pizza destination in the country, but it’s also one of the greatest old-school restaurants of all time."


"David Chang’s favorite pizza. Clam pizza"


"Big 7 Travel 50 best pizzas in the world #15"


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