Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's Raoul's

Raoul's: Restaurant Français avec le Meilleur Burger de NYC

Raoul's est un restaurant français classique datant des années 70, offrant une ambiance parisienne animée et un menu français sérieux. Si vous cherchez le meilleur burger de la ville, ne cherchez pas plus loin que le célèbre burger au poivre de Raoul's. Seulement 12 sont servis chaque soir, alors réservez une place au bar pour l'essayer. En plus du burger, ne manquez pas le steak frites au poivre. Raoul's est également un endroit idéal pour un dîner en solo ou pour un brunch. Le menu français est sérieux et propose des plats tels que le steak au poivre et le poulet rôti. L'atmosphère est sexy et l'arrière-cour est un endroit idéal pour un rendez-vous romantique. Si vous cherchez un endroit pour prendre un verre, essayez le martini sale avec leur burger signature. Raoul's est un endroit incontournable pour les amateurs de cuisine française et de burgers à New York.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #French #Burger #Ristorante #Dinner
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Voted one of best places for first date "


"Honey crisp apples and the salty toffee glaze If you go to brunch with someone else here’s what you should order and nothing else: Split the burger and then split the pancakes. It’s the perfect amount of food for 2 and you hit a wide range of flavors"


"Small, tight intimate French restaurant. Attended by many celebrities and affluent people. Pricey but good food. Is a cool vibe in the village. Rating: (3.5/5)"


"Restau très cool, bruyant et tendance Verre au bar conseillé avant de dîner Robert le sommelier tres sympas et Eddy le Gerant est vieux, ne joue pas au golf et sa famille bosse dans le textile "


"Noah said the sandwiches are good, and they have burgers only available for dinner and you have to sit at the bar and during the weekdays they only have 12 per day, so you have to get there at the beginning of dinner service (like 6pm) to get one "


"Un lieu qui revisite les grands classiques de la gastronomie française et où il est possible de se faire lire les cartes à l’étage"


"Common favorites: Jumbo lump crab beignets Maine lobster risotto Steak naturel au poivre"


"A tester : Burger au poivre"


"Lina found it, supposed to be good steak frites, looks really homey"


"Lina found it, supposed to be good steak frites, looks really homey"


"#9 in Sistersnaking NYC Burger list"


"Really want to try their burger"


"Serious French menu. Classic spot"


"NYC hardest burger to get Au piovre burger Steak au piovre Only a dozen served @ the bar During brunch you can order the burger"


"Ranked highly for their burger and steak frites au poivre"


"must sit at bar, only makes 12 burgers each night"


"Recommandé par 300 raisons d’aimer NY p.64"


"10/10 French food - get the steak"


"Infatuation loves their burger"


"French - burger au poivre and banana coconut bread pudding "


"Upscale spot, solid food. Inside has better ambiance "


"Former hangout. Sit at the bar and order a burger and martinis til you pass out. Was once best burger in NY. "


"Sponge sugar desert for birthday only. Delicious burger (OFF THE MENU)"


"French bistro, old time nyc vibes, burger recommended "


"Brussel sprouts are unreal. "


"cute french burgers only served if you sit at the bar"


"Good food, $$, fancy people"


"Burger & steak both really good "


"Ask for the burger at the bar"


"Un autre restaurant français, mais cette fois-ci qui incarne parfaitement Soho. Cool depuis les années 70, Raoul’s c’est le NY branché qu’on s’imagine. C’est un vrai voyage."




"Awesome steak frites and really good burger"


"Not my fave , good area - serve 12 burgers at the bar "


"Steak au poivre. Steakhouse with history"


"yummy steak et frites + yummy creme brulee! also good starter with crab"


"Realllyyy good steak and fries. Not many options. Fried crab thing was supposedly v good. Mashed potatoes too. Great crème brûlée. App best burger in nyc and only have like 14 a day, and you need to be sitting by the bar- LEGIT FALSE NEWS!!!! It’s so bad it’s like the most generic burger for a 55 year old investment banker. It’s thick and boring and just rlly not it. Fries are yummy! V cute atmosphere and vibe, nice interior "


"Hey little guys! All I want in life and sin is to be swimming a chocolate pool 🏊🍫🍩"


"Burger au poivre (only for lunch) also get banana bread, goat cheesecake for dessert "


"A classic soho establishment with good steak"


"Top Burger NY. Venir avant 5.30pm car ils en font que 12.. "


"“12 burgers a night starting at 4:30”"


"Classic bistro dating to the 1970s with a bustling Parisian atmosphere & a serious French menu. 85/100 NYMag"


"4⭐️. Classic bistro dating to the 1970s with a bustling Parisian atmosphere & a serious French menu. Open til 12.45 fri-sat"


"Un lieu qui revisite les grands classiques de la gastronomie française et où il est possible de se faire lire les cartes à l’étage"


"Red wine : Clementin de Pape Clement"


"Amazing French food (delicious mushrooms)"


Approuvé par 6 partenaires officiels
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