Santa Burg Eixample
Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample Santa Burg Eixample
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282 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Burger #Restaurante #Burgers #Hamburguesa
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"☝🏻 Brutales las burgers de @santaburgbcn > buena carne, combinaciones top y buenos precios. ¿Qué más se puede pedir? ➕ INFO > link in bio [] •• 📍 Eixample – C/ València, 273 🍴 Hamburguesas de autor y tapeo para compartir. 🙌🏻 Mini Tartar Roll, Nachos Chili Cheese y la hamburguesa JeanLuxe. 📆 Ideal para ir con amigos o una cita, tienen cocktails buenísimos para alargar la sobremesa. ❕ La hamburguesa Dry Aged es la protagonista y su chef creador es Alain Guiard. Con esto, os lo decimos (casi) todo. 🏡 Con terraza y mesas grandes/redondas para grupos. 💰 Desde 20€/pp"


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


"Love the burgers here, especially the one with foie gras. Also their other, innovative dishes are recommendable."


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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