Dal Pescatore
Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore Dal Pescatore

Ristorante Dal Pescatore Santini - Restaurant 3 Étoiles ⭐️

Le Ristorante Dal Pescatore Santini est un restaurant 3 étoiles ⭐️ situé dans une villa immergée dans un cadre verdoyant et paisible. La famille Santini vous accueille chaleureusement pour vous offrir une expérience culinaire inoubliable. Avec un service d'exception et une cuisine traditionnelle locale, ce restaurant est un véritable joyau gastronomique. Dégustez des plats raffinés, tels que les tortelli di zucca, et profitez d'une atmosphère intime et accueillante. Réservez votre table dès maintenant pour vivre une expérience gastronomique unique au Ristorante Dal Pescatore Santini.

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"New York Times Da provare Squash Tortelli Tortelli di zucca, a winter squash stuffed pasta, is made a little differently throughout Lombardy but perfected at Dal Pescatore, outside of Mantova (the dish’s supposed birthplace), in the village of Runate. Much can go wrong with this seasonal pasta (at its best in autumn), from the inclusion of amaretti cookies at some places to the addition of strange, mustardy candied fruits at others; it can be too sweet, too spicy, too sour or otherwise unbalanced. Perhaps worst of all, the dish can be oversauced, with a creamy topping drowning out the flavor and texture of the pasta. But at Dal Pescatore, the chefs Nadia and Giovanni Santini have made tortelli the centerpiece: from the slight bite of the outer rim to the tender interior that encloses the filling. The five pieces they provide — which aren’t so much coated with as touched by butter and Parmigiano-Reggiano — are just enough. Suggested wine pairing: Ca’ del Bosco Annamaria Clementi Franciacorta 2015. "


"3 stelle e sentirsi a casa… Villa immersa nel verde e nella pace assoluta con un servizio d’eccezione della famiglia Santini"


"Il tristellato più economico al mondo. Menu dai 150€ ai 250€"


"3 michelin star restaurant "


"⭐️⭐️⭐️Michelin tempio della Cucina Italiana.Nadia Santini: garbata ed elegante come la sua cucina."


"Numero uno della ristorazione!! "


"Nadia Santini est la première femme chef italienne à décrocher les 3 macarons en 1996. Depuis plus de 40 ans elle balance une cuisine de haute volée et de tradition avec un amour particulier pour les pâtes farcies, les poissons d’eau douce dont l’anguille, et le parmesan. Institution pinardières séculaire, Dal Pescatore possède une cave exceptionnelle. "


"3 Michelin stars Chefs Nadia, Giovanni & Bruna Santini 5c. 150 7c. Winter 180 10c. 250 Between Cremona and Mantova, in a small village on the Oglio river, the Santini family uphold the tradition of gourmet Italy. Their country cottage offers a pleasant contrast between the coolness of a terrace invaded by nature and the warmth of a dining room with coppery hues. Nadia and Giovanni’s cooking is rooted in the local culture but shaped by experiences from elsewhere. The service and the cellar are under the direction of Alberto Santini."


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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