Hokokuji Temple
Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple Hokokuji Temple
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"Le vieux temple de l'école Kenchō-ji du courant Rinzai du Bouddhisme Zen situé dans la ville de Kamakura au Japon. Célèbre pour son jardin de bambous, il est également connu comme « temple de bambou ». Une statue de Gautama Buddha, appelé Shaka Nyorai en japonais, dans un bâtiment sacré est le principal objet de vénération du temple."


"3* Ce temple zen appartient au temple Kencho-ji de la secte Rinzai. Il a été fondé en 1334 par Tengan Eko (1273-1335) pour honorer la mémoire d'Ashikaga letoki, grand-père d'Ashikaga Takauji. Outre quelques belles sculptures de bouddhas** (4es.) exécutées entre autres par le sculpteur bouddhiste Takuma Hogen (bâti-ment central et annexes), l'attrait de ce temple réside surtout dans sa forêt de bambous** forte de quelque 2000 bambous Moso, la plus grande espèce de cette plante ligneuse. Possibilité de prendre un thé matcha (500 Y) dans le pavilIon attenant."


"zen garden, small bamboo forest"


"Secluded in the hills of eastern Kamakura, Hokokuji (報国寺, Hōkokuji) is a small temple of the Rinzai Sect of Zen Buddhism. Originally founded during the early years of the Muromachi Period (1333-1573), Hokokuji was the family temple of the ruling Ashikaga Clan and was later also adopted as the family temple of the Uesugi Clan. Appearing rather unassuming as you arrive, the path to the temple leads past a relatively modest gate and through a small garden to the main hall, which was rebuilt in the 1920s after the original building had been lost in the Great Kanto Earthquake. The hall houses a statue of the historic Buddha (Shaka Nyorai), the temple's main object of worship. To the left of the main hall stands a unique looking bell tower with a simple, thatched straw roof, which was also a feature of the original main hall before it had burnt down. Hokokuji Temple, however, is best known for the beautiful, small bamboo grove found behind the temple's main hall, which lies thick with over 2000 dark green bamboo stalks. A few narrow pathways lead through the bamboo to a tea house where, for a small fee, you can sit and enjoy a cup of matcha tea while enjoying views into the bamboo grove. Also located behind the temple are a series of shallow caves carved into the hillsides, which are believed to hold the ashes of some of the later Ashikaga lords. Hokokuji Temple is a short walk from Jomyoji bus stop (浄明寺, 10 minutes, 200 yen one way from Kamakura Station by bus number 鎌23, 鎌24 or 鎌36). Alternatively, it can be reached on foot in about 30-40 minutes from Kamakura Station. 9h00-16h00 900 yen (600 for tea service)"


"9h-16h 300¥ 20 minutes form the Tsugaoka Hachimangû shrine 12 minutes bus form kamakura station Temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism Beautiful bamboo grove behind the main hall Traditional matcha and sweets can be tried for 600¥ (including entrance) in the teahouse"


"Au milieu d’une forêt de bambous ♡ "


"Temple with a tea house and bamboo garden"


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