The Little Shop
The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop The Little Shop
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359 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Speakeasy #Drinks #Cocktails #Cocktail #Restaurant
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Bones Bodega 14h30/15h30 Mocktails "


"Speakeasy hidden behind a grocery shop"


"Hidden speakeasy Thru a bodega in front street"


"Speakeasy in a grocery store. Needs reservation. "


"Speakeasy - pick things out from fhe bodega and they’ll plate it for you in the bar"


"Do food too. looks nice and comfy.. enter through an open shop via freezer sliding stockroom door . The bar at The Little Shop, located at 252 Front Street, is open every day except Mondays, from 5 PM to 12 AM Sunday to Thursday, and 5 PM to 1 AM on Friday and Saturday."


"Look like convenience store and you can actually pick a snack from the front and they will bring it to you at the bar"


"Olivia - convenience store bodega with a speakeasy behind it"


"So fun!! Connected to a small gas-station like shop. Order the purple vesper next time to try! "


"Speakeasy inside of a bodega"


"Cute speakeasy with creative clocks tails and a cozy vibe behind a convenient shop. "


"$20 drinks opens at 6 closed on Mondays try the cotton candy cloud cocktail"


"Really good drinks in a cool space "


"Speakeasy hidden behind a convenience store theme"


"Speakeasy with bodega in front and they plate your snacks and bring them out to you "


"Dara rec. Make reservation or put name down before dinner. Victorian style speakeasy at back of bodega, can bring parents vibe."


"You can buy candy from the front and they will plate it for you on the back with your cocktail "


"Speakeasy - door in back of shop "


"Inside a grocery store/bodega??"






"Small store with a speakeasy bar. Nice date spot - anything can be plated. Takes Rezis "


"Speakeasy behind a bodega "


"Disguised inside an actual bodega, The Little Shop has an entire cocktail bar and lounge hidden within the building. Find the sliding door in the back "


"Great cocktails - good date spot "


"Speakeasy in the back of a bodega"


"Speakeasy in the back of a bodega"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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