Paladar 511
Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511 Paladar 511
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Dinner #Italian #Italien #Wine
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"Restau Italian Belle ambiance a l’intérieur Bon sauf les pizzas"


"Restau Italian Belle ambiance a l’intérieur Bon sauf les pizzas "


"Paladar 511 is a favorite of locals, particularly those who remember when you had to travel to the other coasts to find Italian cooking so light on its feet. For much of the last century, eating Italian here meant choosing from a roster of red-gravy pastas and butter-sauced finfish. This self-assured trattoria is where to go for vegetable-centered antipasti and maybe some tuna crudo in charred green tomato aguachile, before deciding whether the occasion calls for Neapolitan pizza, fresh pasta, roasted meat or some combination of the above. Opened in 2015, Paladar has settled into its role as a stylish neighborhood canteen in the Faubourg Marigny, just downriver from the Quarter, that happens to serve the most consistently excellent Italian food in town."


"Very good Italian cuisine. One large room so it can be loud. Open kitchen. "


"Kjempefine lokaler, god service og veldig god mat. Jeg kan virkelig anbefale denne restauranten! || The chefs at Paladar 511 bring a modern Californian charm to New Orleans, and while the starter list has Italian favorites like homemade ravioli, beef Carpaccio, and arancini with short rib rags, you'll also find a zesty Yellowfin tuna crudo with orange and avocado that whisks you west. It’s a similar story with the pizzas. A basic cheese and tomato pie is delightful, but you can also try homemade lamb sausage or buttered leeks. The cocktails here are tried and true local classics—a well-made Brandy Milk Punch or Pimm's Cup will always sell oil in this town. It’s the wine list that really stands out, thoug: an assured stroll through some great European bottles, with France taking up the lion’s share of the menu. "


"Endroit cool mais bouffe pas incroyable"


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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