Cassia Cassia Cassia Cassia Cassia Cassia Cassia

Cassia - Restaurant asiatique à Santa Monica

Cassia est un restaurant asiatique incontournable à Santa Monica. Dirigé par le chef Bryant Ng, ce resto propose une cuisine fusion exceptionnelle qui marie harmonieusement les saveurs chinoises, vietnamiennes et françaises. Les plats sont préparés avec soin en utilisant des ingrédients frais et des herbes aromatiques. Ne manquez pas les incontournables comme la queue de porc grillée à la sauce de poisson ou le délicieux bœuf rendang épicé. Le menu propose également des plats plus récents et innovants, comme les coquilles Saint-Jacques crues accompagnées de crevettes séchées, de jambon effiloché et d'huile de piment. Pour accompagner votre repas, la sommelière Marianna Caldwell vous propose une sélection de vins originaux qui s'accordent parfaitement avec les saveurs complexes des plats. Réservez dès maintenant pour une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle au Cassia, le meilleur ristorante asiatique de Santa Monica !

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"Once known for Spice Table in the early 2010s, chef Bryant Ng and managing partner Kim Luu-Ng have firmly established themselves in the upper echelons of Santa Monica dining with their upscale Southeast Asian restaurant, Cassia. Drawing inspiration from across the region, the husband-and-wife duo has managed to keep its dinner menu weekend destination-worthy. Take, for example, Cassia’s kaya toast, one of the only renditions across all of L.A. Served with a soft egg, it’s a sweet beginning to a dinner that might include Indonesian beef rendang bathed in creamy coconut curry, served with a side of clay oven bread, or a charcuterie fried rice combining Louisiana tasso and Chinese sausage. Note: Their Vietnamese coffee pudding topped with whipped cream is worth saving the extra room for dessert."


"Cassia CUCINA DEL SUD-EST ASIATICO $$$ (cartina p399; %310-393-6699; 1314 7th St; antipasti $12-24, portate principali $18-77; h17-22 dom-gio, 17-23 ven e sab; p) Da quando ha aperto nel 2015, lo spazioso e arioso Cassia è comparso praticamente in tutti gli elenchi dei migliori ristoranti di Los Angeles redatti a livello locale o nazionale. Lo chef Bryant Ng attinge al suo retaggio cinese e di Singapore per realizzare piatti come il toast kaya (con marmellata di cocco, burro e uova cotte a fuoco lento), i sunbathing prawn (gamberoni marinati e grigliati) e l’avvolgente pot au feu alla vietnamita con ogni sorta di ingredientie costolette stufate, verdure, midollo e deliziosi accompagnamenti."


"Fusion south East Asian food Worth a visit"


"Santa Monica Vietnamese French $$$ Take out Reservation There is no other cuisine in the Los Angeles area, or arguably anywhere, like Bryant Ng’s. He culls his Chinese-Singaporean heritage, wife and business partner Kim Luu-Ng’s Vietnamese background, his Parisian culinary training and his work at places like Pizzeria Mozza. His is reclamation cooking, rich in cultural connections and potent with fresh herbs, sambal and pickled shallots. Cassia, a blockbuster when it roared into existence in 2015, now models balance. The dining room has returned to punishing decibels, though plenty of well-heated outdoor space provides a quieter option. Menu standards like handsomely charred pig’s tail splashed with fish sauce or spice-suffused beef rendang deliver as deliciously as ever, and newer dishes keep the kitchen’s energy high: Look for raw scallops with a garnish of dried shrimp, slivered ham and chile oil, suggesting a deconstructed XO sauce, and steak frites served over a reduction zapped with unusually aromatic peppercorns grown on Vietnam’s Phu Quoc island. Ace sommelier Marianna Caldwell leads her wine list with a section labeled “What I’m Drinking Now.” Let it direct you to offbeat options — like a Hungarian orange or a lemony Alpine white from Switzerland — that meet the food in all its superb complexities."


"3/31/23 went for my bday with andrew, sesily and feldmans"


"Fantastic laksa, generous portions and decent pricing "


"- Chickpea Curry - Beed Rendang"


Approuvé par 3 partenaires officiels
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