The Pig and The Lady
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271 utilisateurs

#Tags souvent utilisés
#Restaurant #Vietnamese #Asian #Food #Dinner
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Vietnamese-fusion restaurant with equally impressive cocktails. This former pop-up has become a trendy, critically acclaimed spot for Vietnamese cuisine that lives up to every bit of its hype. The Chinatown brick-and-mortar storefront is a family affair, owned and operated by the Le family that uses "Mama" Le's family recipes as the basis for their most popular dishes. The cocktail offerings don’t disappoint either. Try the eye-catching and palate-quenching Cobra Commander, made with avocado mezcal, a Sriracha ice cube, pamplemousse rose, and lime -- a spicy and smooth accompaniment to its fusion dishes."


"Vietnamese-fusion restaurant with equally impressive cocktails This former pop-up has become a trendy, critically acclaimed spot for Vietnamese cuisine that lives up to every bit of its hype. The Chinatown brick-and-mortar storefront is a family affair, owned and operated by the Le family that uses "Mama" Le's family recipes as the basis for their most popular dishes. The cocktail offerings don’t disappoint either. Try the eye-catching and palate-quenching Cobra Commander, made with avocado mezcal, a Sriracha ice cube, pamplemousse rose, and lime -- a spicy and smooth accompaniment to its fusion dishes. The downtown eatery is closed on holidays, but stop by its sister restaurant Piggy Smalls from 10am-3pm for your fusion cocktail needs."


"Amazing Vietnamese food! All meat dishes are great and the pho.. wow!!"


"Chinese, mushroom Godzilla (off menu)"


"in reality it's vietnamese restaurant"


"My favorite- amazing flavors ... a real feast ! ($$$)"


"Monday Closed Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM 5:30–8:30PM Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM 5:30–8:30PM Thursday 11:30AM–3PM 5:30–8:30PM Friday 11:30AM–3PM 5:30–8:30PM Saturday 11:30AM–3PM 5:30–8:30PM Sunday Closed"


"Primal offering Pho French dip "


Approuvé par 1 partenaires officiels
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