Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji)
Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji) Yasaka no To Pagoda (Hokan-ji)
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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Temple #Visite #Monument #Kyoto #Architecture
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Pretty, not that far from Yasaka shrine and there’s lots of cute shops and food places around "


"Jolies ruelles adjacentes à la pagode en hauteur."


"C’est le spot le plus connu de Kyoto "


"Hokan-ji Temple is known colloquially as Yasaka-no-to (Yasaka Pagoda). It is a 46-meter tall pagoda with graceful, sloping roofs on each tier, which lies in the middle of an old Kyoto neighborhood, between Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Yasaka-jinja Shrine. It is one of the unexpected treasures that reward the person on a casual stroll through the Higashiyama District. Visitors are allowed inside to marvel at the tower's architecture, statues and fading paintings. Originally built by the Imperial Prince Shotoku in 589, the pagoda is said to have been inspired by a dream."


"Spot visible depuis les rues de Kyoto "


"Hokan-ji (法観寺, Hokanji?) est un temple de l'école bouddhique zen Rinzai situé au Japon, dans l'arrondissement de Higashiyama-ku de la ville de Kyoto. Il dépend du temple Kennin-ji et comprend la pagode de Yasaka."


"Temple pagode (grande tour) qui est photographié par la terre entière. The temple complex is within walkable distance from Kiyomizu-dera and is a pleasant stroll. Of special note is the Yasaka pagoda, visitors can climb to the top and view the interior. Most pagoda’s can only be viewed from the outside."


"Yasaka Pagoda buddisth disttrict"


"Yasaka-Pagoda is located close to a number of attractions in the Higashiyama District. You can create a short walking tour from Kiyomizudera to the pagoda and pass by many old-style shops, cafes, shrine, and go further to Nanzenji, the Philosopher's path, and the Ginkakuji Temple. "


"Belle pagode au milieu des pavillons japonais"


"VLOG #248 WELCOME TO KYOTO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8tuiQ-fZXQ&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrTyoic8v3nD7N96Ei3wEgZU&index=11 VLOG #126 PREMIÈRE JOURNÉE A KYOTO !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n45GPoQhW-A&list=PLtwL6_uNHKrQf50-X2RWRetOoKiPTjEEN&index=18"


"The oldest temple in Kyoto."


"My hat says “best” in Korean 🧢 @elirodz (📸) bought one that says “friend”. We didn’t plan it, but it worked out 👯‍♀️"


"Straße, meist fotografierteste"


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