Su Gologone
Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone Su Gologone

Su Gologone - Hôtel, Ristorante, Bar & Terrazza en Sardaigne

Su Gologone est un hôtel emblématique situé en Sardaigne, offrant non seulement un hébergement de qualité, mais aussi un ristorante renommé proposant une cuisine italienne authentique. Le bar de l'établissement est l'endroit idéal pour se détendre et déguster des cocktails exquis. Profitez également de la terrazza panoramique offrant une vue imprenable sur les environs. Que vous soyez en quête d'une escapade romantique ou d'un séjour relaxant, Su Gologone saura vous séduire par son ambiance chaleureuse et son service impeccable.

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#Tags souvent utilisés
#Hotel #Ristorante #Restaurant #Senza glutine #Terrazza
Ce qu'en disent les utilisateurs

"Fait en famille au mois d août je recommande vivement "


"Atmosfera magica e ristorante stellare!! "


"Hanno anche letti all’aperto con jacuzzi esterne"


"It is difficult to choose between the three delightful rooms in this restaurant. One has a huge fireplace used for roasting the famous porceddu (suckling pig); another, more intimate in style, is dedicated to a well-known ceramist; while the third is adorned with works by a Sardinian artist. Whichever you choose, you’ll enjoy traditional cuisine from inland Sardinia with the option of dining on a panoramic terrace overlooking vineyards and olive groves in fine weather. House specialities include suckling pig roasted on the spit, maccarones de busa (pasta), and culurgiones (a type of ravioli).  Hotel: 68 rooms Italy’s not all rolling hills and vineyards. The rugged mountain landscapes of Sardinia might not be as well known as Tuscany, but anyone who likes a little bit of peaky drama with their verdant hillsides would do well to give it a try. Here in the interior of the island is the town of Oliena, backed by the Supramonte mountains — and in the foothills you’ll find Su Gologone, the kind of whitewashed, tile-roofed rustic retreat that Italian tourism dreams are made of. The traditional Sardinian interiors are soothingly familiar yet intriguingly novel — unless you’re Sardinian, in which case they’re just soothingly familiar. Either way they’re proof that there’s more to hotel life than modern design. And with 68 rooms and suites, Su Gologone could easily start to feel big, but it doesn’t — there’s a bit of village atmosphere about it, with the privacy that implies. It’s only by the poolside, perhaps, that you’ll be surrounded by your fellow guests — there and in the Su Gologone restaurant, where the family matriarch is still dishing up Sardinian specialties, several decades after the hotel’s founding. It’s not a bad life — and if you’re mostly accustomed to the mainland, it’s a delightfully novel angle on Italy. Please note: Su Gologone is open seasonally from March through October."


Approuvé par 2 partenaires officiels
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