Palais royal d'Aranjuez
Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez Palais royal d'Aranjuez
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"Mercredi et samedi midi : relève garde royale "


"Juillet 2018 : une entrée à dix euros et une entrée gratuite. Très bien."


"A faire absolument ! splendide, photo interdite malheureusement "

"“Aranjuez was founded as a royal pleasure retreat, away from the riff-raff of Madrid, and it remains a place to escape the rigours of city life. The Palacio Real (%91 891 07 40;; palace adult/concession €9/4, guide/audioguide €4/3, EU citizens last 3hr Wed & Thu free, gardens free; hpalace 10am-8pm Apr-Sep, to 6pm Oct-Mar, gardens 8am-9.30pm mid-Jun–mid-Aug, shorter hours mid-Aug–mid-Jun) started as one of Felipe II’s modest summer palaces but took on a life of its own as a succession of royals lavished money upon it. The obligatory guided tour (in Spanish) provides insight into the palace’s art and history.” Passi di Lonely Planet Madrid Lonely Planet Il materiale potrebbe essere protetto da copyright."


"Le palais Royal affiche ses 135 000 m² et 3418 pièces qui font de lui le plus grand palais royal d’Europe. Devant statue équestre de Philippe IV"


"UNESCO World Heritage Situated near Madrid, the Palacio Real de Aranjuez lies in a valley where the rivers Tagus and Jarama meet. The location was a popular summer resort for the Madrileño nobility, and the palace was built there in the 1380s. King Philip II commissioned the architects responsible for El Escorial, Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera, to build the royal summer residence in 1561. It was largely completed during the reign of Ferdinand VI, although two further wings were added by Charles III. Inside, most of its decorations are from the eighteenth century, and of particular note are the Porcelain Room and the Hall of Mirrors. But the palace is famed for its gardens and landscape design perhaps more than the architecture of the building. Philip I employed Dutch and French gardeners to create an Italian Renaissance garden with a geometric layout that forms the palace's grounds. A keen botanist, Philip I cultivated both vegetables and plants, and used the latest hydraulic engineering techniques to water the dry landscape. Then in 1660 Philip I began to create a Baroque-design garden with ornamental fountains such as the Apollo Fountain, statues, and a man-made island, the Jardin de la Isla. It was completed during the reign of Philip V and is the most important garden created in Spain during the Hapsburg period. Its lush greenery and waterways are a contrast to the surrounding arid sierra of the region--the Jardin del Principe contains a network of ditches 19,685 feet (6,000 m) long and are testament to the interest in agriculture, farming, and botany of a succession of monarchs. A smaller palace designed by Juan de Villanueva, the Casa del Labrador, stands in the grounds and houses a collection of Neoclassical decorative arts. The palace is also home to the Museo de las Falúas Reales that exhibits Spanish royal pleasure barges."


"aperto dalle 10-18 tariffa intera 9€ studenti 4€ disoccupati 0€ la domenica, dalle 15 alle 18 si entra gratis "


"Superbe palais, ancienne demeure estivale des rois d'Espagne. Les jardins sont également superbes. Seulement 1h de Madrid en cercanías, et ça vaut le coup pour une escapade d'une petite journée !"


"Bonito, creo que los miércoles se puede entrar gratis."


"Estudiantes 2€ 18 mayo: gratis (De octubre a marzo)Los miércoles de 10:00 a 16:00 y domingos de 15:00 a 18:00 (De abril a septiembre)Los miércoles y domingos de 15:00 a 19:00 "


"paisaje cultural de Aranjuez"


"You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare against the wind and the cold, wintery light. But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person died for no reason. 🍂🍁🥀"


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